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Sankalp Special School Kanpur

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1 Sankalp Special School Kanpur

2 Background Caters to children with special needs (autism, behavioral problems, learning disabilities, speech/language issues, mentally challenged) Project’s goal is to nurture these kids with targeted attention and therapy so eventually they become self-sufficient Individual progress plans for each child, 5-8 children per teacher, Physio/Speech/Behavioral therapy Supported by Asha-SV since Fall 2009 Asha Stars project: Like any other Asha-SV project except the funds sent are only those that have been directly donated to the project 80G income tax registration in India Completely under Asha Trust starting this year

3 Current Statistics Students - 48 Staff - 7 teachers for classes
- 1 craft and dance teacher - 1 computer trainer (part time) - 1 speech therapist (visiting 6 days a week) - 1 psychologist (visiting 6 days a week) - 1 physiotherapists (visiting 6 days a week) - 1 coordinator - 2 aaya and 1 male attendant 1 hired van and 1 school van for transport of children

4 Questions from Mid Year Update
How many are professionally trained teachers and how many are not. Also how do you train existing non-professional teachers? None of the teachers are professionally trained in special education. Reason is that I found out that the trained (i.e. with B.Ed or Diploma in spl edu) ones available are those who are local residents and are trained from UP only. Their understanding and knowledge was very substandard and their attitude was "I know it all" type. So, after trying four or five of them, I finally decided to keep untrained ones who are simple housewives in need of the money. They have the dedication (being mothers themselves) and the determination to make things work so that they keep getting their salaries.( this may sound a little harsh but this is the way it is and probably, this is the way the world works). Two of the teachers have done a foundation course in spl. edu. but that too is just for the name sake. For the training of the teachers, Ifollow the literature provided by National Institute for Mentally Handicapped. they have a range of publications which cover almost all the aspects of special education and are written in a way that everyone can understand them. (plz ref. )

5 2. Is there an overall progress report for the class that you can share? Basically any success stories, or how overall the kids are doing? Are there any exams or grades matrix that you can share For the progress reports, I can't think of any way by which I can show the progress of all children at a time. they all move at their own pace and in their own ways. As for the success stories, one of our child, Bhupinder is now working at a grocery store as a store helper and he and his parents are happy with it. Bhupinder had scope for learning more but he was too eager to start earning and he belonged to a lower class family where parents too wanted him to start earning. Another student Piush is now pursuing mobile repairing course from government vocational training centre (this is for the general people, not the handicapped ones). he has completed the practical part but is finding difficulty in the theory part. however, he is a child with borderline retardation so, with a little more effort, we are sure that he will complete the course and find a suitable employment. I would specially mention that before joining this course, as per the special education curriculum, Piush had achieved all the targets mentioned in the work-place behaviour training and training of the generic work skills.

6 3. Are you using the old building for something or you just moved to the new one. Also for VTC, how are you managing? No, the old building has been handed over to the owner hospital trust. For vocational work, we have 4 teachers for this at present. We have 12 children in vocational group who do these activities and actually make things between 10-1. Another 12 children are kept in prevocational group who have started learning these activities and go to this class from 1.30 to 2.30. Pre-vocational group does classroom activity during 10-1 while the vocational groupp goes for classroom activities from 1.30 to In class rooms, they are grouped into 2 groups of six each. 4. Team brought up certain ideas to help support your concern about future of kids - taking kids to field trips, having them mingle with other school kids and do some activity together, organizing annual day functions, having parents involved in decision making and accompany to field trips (this might help reduce push back from parents to take kids out) Of all the ideas, I am doing some of it like interacting with children from other normal schools as well as with other special schools. We also have our annual days every year. We also try to involve parents as much as possible without putting any burden upon them. However, I will keep these things in mind and try to do more of such activities. The only thing that is lacking is taking the children out for field trips. We used to go once a year earlier but then I felt that it involves too much responsibility and organizing so got reluctant. I will definitely restart that tradition because I remember how much the children used to enjoy....

7 3. For all the kitchen, sewing, painting related activities how are you planning to conduct them? These activities will need special attention when kids are working on it and wanted to understand how you plan to arrange and have your staff help with these activities

8 Room 1 is divided into three parts
Room 1 is divided into three parts. Two are the classes and one is the speech area where the speech teacher attends to one child at a time. Room 2 holds one class and the physiotherapy couch and exercise cycle for the children. Area 3 or the lobby is where I sit. This is the central place from where i can have an eye over all the classes. Room 4 is for the vocational training. It has three small tables where the teachers teach individual children certain activities. We have put on mats on floor in this room and the children who can do some tasks individually sit on floor and do their tasks. This way, the three teachers can supervise all the children in the room. Room 5 is the kitchen. We have not yet started with actual fire cooking (will start that soon). The activities till now are filling up water bottles and putting them in fridge, washing used glasses, cups, plates and tiffins, cleaning rice and dal (how we do before cooking), serving water in a tray etc. These may seem very small tasks but training the children for these will take atleast 4-6 months. After that, we will revise the activities. One teacher is in charge of the kitchen work. Room 6 holds two more classes. Area 7 is where the receptionist / manager sits and the parents who come with their children wait. The lobby (area 3) is also used for dance activity and the area 7 is used for ball playing and other such games. Children play cricket outside the room 6 in the gallery. We lack the play space but still, we are managing somehow.

9 Special concern Kanpur doesn’t have too many big centers like this. There is one mentally challenged center but it is only for age of 15 or more years Trained teachers are not available. Because of this they cant take risk of taking children out of town for participating in different activities around the country for special needs children Space – existing building doesn’t allow to accommodate more than students. They are not admitting any more children due to space constraint

10 Public Awareness We have recently created a page by the name of “Sankalp” on facebook where we are posting information and facts related to developmental disabilities with the aim of reaching out to more and more people. (any suggestions regarding better use of social media for creating awareness, creating a market for the things that are being made by the children etc. are most welcome) We have formed a parents’ association by the name of Wonder Child Parents’ Association to create awareness among the parents and to give them a platform where they can express themselves and motivate each other for a better tomorrow. This WCPA is separately registered and separately managed so that we can reach out to parents of children studying in other special schools too but largely, it is running by the efforts of Sankalp team only.

Rent Rs. 20,000/- Diesel expenses Rs. 4,500/- Conveyance expenses Rs. 18,500/- Salaries Teachers (9) Rs. 25,200/- Coordinator Rs. 2,800/- Aya (2) Rs. 5,000/- Sweeper Rs. 2,500/- Psychologist Rs. 4,000/- Physiotherapist(1) Rs. 4,000/- Speech Teacher Rs. 4,000/- Van driver Rs. 8,500/- Miscellaneous (office expenses, repair/maintenance) Rs. 1,500/- Total monthly expenses Rs. 1,00,500/- Receipt from children Rs. 50,750/- Net deficit Monthly : Rs. 49,750/- Yearly: Rs. 5,97,000/-

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