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Overview 83,000 Miles of river and streams 4,000 lakes, reservoirs, and ponds.

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2 Overview 83,000 Miles of river and streams 4,000 lakes, reservoirs, and ponds

3 Pennsylvania Watersheds

4 What is a watershed? An area of land where all the surface area and ground water drain to the same location. Even though appropriate habitat may be present for aquatic species they may not be found in particular habitats because they simply do not live in that watershed

5 What makes a fish a fish? Ectothermic- regulate body temperature with the outside temperature :aka: cold blooded Most have bony backbone and skeleton and are in the class Osteichthyes Some have a skeleton made of cartilage ie. Sharks, lamprey Fins Oxygen which is dissolved in the water is breathed through gills Gills allow the release of waste gasses as well

6 Fish Biology Skin is protected and lubricated with mucous glands Most are covered in scales or boney plates Exceptions: Catfish and Bullheads 2 Chambered Heart No Eyelids Most fish reproduce by laying eggs in the water

7 Fish Species In Pennsylvania 160 species and 24 families

8 External Anatomy of the Fish A fish’s external anatomy, suit it to its habitat and feeding methods. Definite head portion Longer, wider, body section Narrow to the tail Flat cheek area behind the eye and a gill cover called a operculum

9 Soft Rayed Fish Fins

10 Spiney- Rayed Fish

11 Fins and Rays Fins are made up of rays Rays may be soft or spiny Soft rayed fish typically have smooth scales Spiny rayed fish typically have scales with small teeth which make them feel rough

12 Internal Anatomy Most have an internal air filled sac called an air bladder Helps the fish maintain its water position and provide it with neutral buoyancy Helps to intensify sound, thus aids in hearing

13 Gills Take in oxygen and release waste gasses Consist of blood filled filaments with lamelle Lamelle are covered with a single layer of cells and have a large network of blood vessels. This is where the gas exchange takes place Fish open their mouth and gill cover to allow water to pass over the gills One way trip no breathing in and out Cold water= more oxygen dissolved= more oxygen

14 Fish Movement Fins are fine adjustment, steering, stopping Muscles are what propels the fish through the water Fish push against the water side to side Fish with air bladders move easiest up and down Fish without air bladders have to dart place to place along the bottom

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