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NEM – How to implement Convergence! SRA Presentation – Update May 2006

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1 NEM – How to implement Convergence! SRA Presentation – Update May 2006

2 www.nem-initiative.orginfo@nem-initiative.orgSlide 2 Strategic Research Agenda  Basic Concept:  Services and applications give ideas about NEM- scenarios  Remaining sections describe necessary technology aspects / components  Overall Structure  Services and Applications  Content  Network Infrastructure, Delivery Networks  Terminals, User Devices  Enabling Technologies

3 Example Service Scenario  John is at home - he carries several NEM-devices / NEM-components allowing him to communicate with and access services in his immediate environment.  The components automatically connect to each other forming a personal “NEM-servant“. It may contain some kind of display and loudspeaker as well as sensors for voice, force, mimic, gesture, smell, and other biometrical data.  This ‘virtual’ device senses its environment for other NEM-components it can connect to (e.g. large screens but also information agents)  John wants to travel to a European City he has not yet visited (and country)  Through his NEM-servant John books a trip to XYZ  The NEM-servant presents the complete schedule and hotel bookings  In preparation of the travel the NEM-servant searches for films and other information material on the essential habits of the visited country  Since John can best remember facts after training it in a game, the NEM-servant seeks in the NEM-service space a NEM-service for converting the material into a short knowledge game. It also provides some of the specific preferences of John to make the game easily comprehensible  During the flight John plays the “learning” game  Arriving at the airport John watches the latest news on a public airport TV.  Since it is broadcast in native language the NEM-servant searchs for a translation service, connects to it and John listens in his native language.

4 Example Service Scenario ct’d  In the evening he is looking for a really good local dinner  His servant searches and recommends a restaurant.  The city map service provides a scenic walk to the restaurant complemented with information about the scenic objects  His servant records the walk (and comments) in order to generate a travel report later  At the restaurant he looks at small video clips for guidance on his local viewing device.  His servant is recording his „experience“.  Arriving in his hotel he wants to relax and watch a movie on the in-room cinema.  His home preferences are transferred via the network so he is “feeling” like at home  Since he showed interest in the local culture, the service includes some local highlight movies in the movie selection.  As the movie is quite old, some processing for optimal projection on the in-room cinema is done  His colleagues at work are very interested in his trip experience and ask for the travel report.  Based on the recorded content, his comments, and the associated meta data he produces a very nice blog report.  He wants to publish his report. He wants to include some of the information of the services in XYZ, so he is clearing the rights for the items references in his blog.  He shares his report as a community TV-service.

5 NEM is about …  People --> citizen  Analyse and “connect to” his/her environment  The environment is seamlessly offering services meeting user expectations  Intuitive user interfaces  Services and content  Flexible, dynamic, automated service creation  User driven service creation  Networking of  … service atoms which can connect themselves over networks to new services  optimizing the service to the needs and expectations of the consumer.  Combination of different service types (communication, media, gaming, …) ... networks  Seamless session handover between different networks (vertical handover)  QoS guarantees ... device components which can connect to each other and form new devices.  Based on the combination of capabilities new features may be available  Complementing the features set by adding “networked services”  The feature may not be located on the device or even locally available (could be located in the „home environment“)

6 Access network s Access network s Access network s Access network s Access network s Access network s Access network s Access network s Access network s Access network s NEM System View Core networks Core networks Access network s Access network s Access network s Access network s Core networks Core networks Access network s Access network s Access network s Access network s Core networks Core networks Access network s Access network s Access network s Access network s Core networks Core networks Access network s Access network s Universal service provisioning Intelligent network identification and access citizen Device 1 Device 2 body area network / near range network habits expectations preferences Interfaces to service enablers / service access Device A Intelligent network identification and access Universal service creation user Device B Service BService A Service C

7 SRA v3.0: Services  provisioning of all kind of e-services by means of electronic media; examples: e-government, e-learning, e-health  enriched personal communication  personalized service creation  pervasive gaming  games that are always present, available to the player  advertising for new media content  digital cinema and electronic content delivery  and much more …

8 SRA v3.0: Content  convergence between personal communicaiton and content  private and public content production  content adaptation  content personalization, context awareness, ambient intelligence  content summarising  content indexation (automatic metadata generation)  innovation in creative formats  semantic searching for content  open content format supported by commonly available tools  and much more …

9 SRA v3.0: Network Infrastructure  Network based intelligence and end-to-end service control  seamless service provisioning  network planning and optimization  security and privacy  ubiquitous multimedia networking  and much more …

10 SRA v3.0: Terminals, User Devices  home multimedia devices  gaming terminals  residential gateways  virtual distributed devices  and much more …

11 SRA v3.0: Enabling Technologies Natural and multi-modal user interfaces Interoperable Digital Rights Management, content protection (e.g. Watermarking) multimedia search engines (driven by metadata) content indexing (audio, video, text (with associated av-data)) Metadata generation, processing and distribution mixed reality; animated computer graphics media formats privacy trust flexible compression human language technologies (translation tools, speech recognition) acoustic and sound generation, display technologies multimedia analysis and computer vision (object recognition and tracking, data fusion) personalisation and interactivity intelligent agents and semantic technologies, ontologies platform independent adaptation tools micropayments and much more …

12 www.nem-initiative.orginfo@nem-initiative.orgSlide 12 NEM SRA update Process  Modifying the structure  New sections to facilitate comprehension of the strategic issues of the NEM and its further implementation  service scenario‘s  matching of SRA driving technologies  bridging the big challenges to the high level goals  Timing of the NEM SRA update  First official public SRA version was delivered 31st December 2005 and formally approved by the NEM GA on March 2006  Revision of SRA was launched at NEM GA March 2006 meeting  Working Groups have been activated to reflect on each SRA section and further match the consistency of the whole of the SRA  New SRA update is expected to be completed by 15th June 2006

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