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French Revolution “Let them eat cake”. A broad definition of Revolution is …a complete change When a revolution is a revolutionary war, it is usually…

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1 French Revolution “Let them eat cake”



4 A broad definition of Revolution is …a complete change When a revolution is a revolutionary war, it is usually… a violent overthrown of gov’t. Qualities of a revolutionary war Modern revolutions share the following qualities… 1. They are usually caused by some inequality not addressed by the government 2. They begin idealistically. Goals of the revolution are things like freedom, equality, and human rights. 3. After the overthrow, the idealistic goals fade away and reality sets in. The oppressed can become the oppressors. Talking point… What does “the oppressed can become the oppressors” mean? Examples? 4. Some of the original goals of the revolution are accomplished

5 Turn to the second page with the big boxes… Enlightenment Ideas Box: You already have most of the information about Enlightenment ideas on the notes I gave you. Just write down the bolded information below… The bourgeoise (middle class) had been educated. They studied Locke and Rousseau and “spread the word.” The success of the American Revolution also encouraged revolutionary leaders. LockeRousseau

6 Everyone in class now will get a role. Who wants to be King Louis XVI (16)? Who wants to be the clergy (2 people)? Who wants to be a noble person (2 people)? Who wants to be a middle class person (2 people)? Who wants to be a city worker (2 people)? Everyone else is a peasant.

7 Strict Social Structure Box 3 Estates (classes of people) 1 st Estate: Clergy (church) 2 nd Estate: Nobles 3 rd Estate: Bourgeoise (middle class), peasants, city workers. The 3 rd Estate made up 98% of France’s population Clergy and nobles paid no taxes and had most of the $ Bourgeoise had some $, but no power; they paid high taxes Peasants paid 50% of income in taxes and tithes (tithes are “gifts” to the Church, but really were required) City workers – low wages, no rights. When they couldn’t feed their families because the price of bread was too high, they would steal bread… Peasants had to perform unpaid duties for their landlords Only the nobles could hunt

8 Discussion points… Clergy, how do you feel about the situation in France based on what you know about the social structure? Why? Nobles, how do you feel about the situation in France? Why? Middle class, what do you think? Why? City workers, what do you think? Why? Peasants, how do you feel? One of you raise your hand. You are super hungry and think that the landowner won’t miss a rabbit or two, so you go hunting. Nobles, you catch him. Nobles – what are you going to do about this affront to your social status?

9 Economic Crisis Box… Bad weather leads to widespread crop failures Bread prices double The government treasury is empty because… 1. war debt from Louis XIV (14) 2. Louis XVI (16) borrowed heavily to finance helping the American during the American Revolution Discussion point… One of the city workers raise your hand. Your family was so hungry and you had to feed them. You stole bread. King Louis XVI (16), what will your constables do?

10 Weak Monarch Box… Louis XVI (16) was a goofy guy and very indecisive. He spent most of his time tinkering with locks and hunting instead of attending to matters of the country. As the economy worsens, the Finance Minister of France, a really smart guy names Turgot, suggests that the upper classes be taxed. Nobles, how do you feel about that? Wishy-washy Louis XVI sides with the nobles, his buddies, and fires Turgot… bad move! Marie Antoinette is Louis XVI’s wife – she spends loads of money on herself. People hate her…

11 Louis XVI (16) and Marie Antoinette… she’s a hottie!

12 Turn to p. 3 in the notes… The 2 nd Estate forces Louis XVI to… call a meeting of the Estates General (representatives from all of the Estates). This hadn’t happened for 175 years! The 2 nd Estate was worried about the country. The 3 rd Estate opposes the traditional way of voting at the Estates General because… each Estate only got one vote, no matter how many people were in that Estate. The 1 st and 2 nd Estates always outvoted the 3 rd. Talking Point… why is the traditional way of voting unfair (e.g.: what percentage of people are in the 3 rd Estate?)

13 P. 3 notes continued… They propose the Estates meet together, each delegate with a vote (this would have meant the 3 rd Estate had more votes because they had more delegates). The King says no, siding with the nobles. The 3 rd Estate rebels. Their spokesperson, Abbe Sieyes said: “What is the 3 rd Estate? Everything. What has it been up until now in the political order? Nothing. What does it demand? To become something herein.” In their first act of revolution, the 3 rd Estate (the middle class people)… declares itself the “National Assembly” (a new government) and says they will pass reforms. King Louis XVI, how do you feel about that?

14 P. 3 notes cont. Their pledge not to disband until they had written a new constitution was called the TENNIS COURT OATH because… they were locked out of their meeting room and met at an indoor tennis court to write this new constitution. Discussion point: People of the different Estates, how do you feel about these middle class people getting together, saying, they have a new government, and writing a new constitution for the country? Explain

15 3 rd Estate people locked out of their meeting area

16 3 rd Estate people meeting at the tennis court where the take the Tennis Court Oath not to disband until they write a new constitution

17 P. 3 notes cont. Rumors, rumors that… the king had a legion of foreign troops that were coming to massacre French citizens. Discussion point… 3 rd Estate, you truly believe these foreigners are coming!!! What are you going to do?

18 Led to the next act of revolution, the storming of the Bastille… on July 14, 1789, a mob decided they needed weapons and broke into the Bastille, a prison and weapons supply house. They stole weapons, freed prisoners, and put the warden’s head on a pike

19 The storming of the Bastille prison

20 P. 3 notes cont. The Great Fear was caused by more rumors. The 3 rd Estate believed… the nobles were hiring outlaws to terrorize them. Discussion point: 3 rd Estate people! What are you going to do? The nobles are planning on ripping you from your homes and beating you!

21 This led to… peasants breaking into nobles houses and burning them down (strike them before they strike you)

22 P. 3 notes cont. And the Women’s March… 6000 Paris women rioted over bread prices. These women led a great many men on a march to Versailles Palace. The mob killed two guards and demanded the king and his family come back to Paris with them.

23 The Women’s March

24 Louis XVI and his family & attendants at Versailles Palace as the mob moves up toward their bedroom.

25 Louis XVI being hauled away by the mob to Paris

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