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Age of Reason - Enlightenment Rationalism Deism Self-examination.

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Presentation on theme: "Age of Reason - Enlightenment Rationalism Deism Self-examination."— Presentation transcript:

1 Age of Reason - Enlightenment Rationalism Deism Self-examination

2 Rationalism belief that humans can arrive at truth by using reason, rather than relying on the authority of the past, on religious faith, or on intuition

3 Isaac Newton God = clockmaker (set up universe and let it run) God created the universe, but does not interfere in its workings

4 God’s special gift Reason

5 Scientific and Spiritual Belief Everyone had ability to regulate his/her own life

6 Deism God made it possible for all people at all times to discover natural laws through their God-given power of reason Universe is orderly and good Stressed humanity’s goodness Perfectibility of individuals through reason God’s objective = happiness of his creatures The best way to serve God is by helping other people

7 Self-examination Human history is marked by progress toward a more perfect existence The “self-made” person

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