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Pushing your boundaries to be ahead of the game Sue Stockdale.

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Presentation on theme: "Pushing your boundaries to be ahead of the game Sue Stockdale."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pushing your boundaries to be ahead of the game Sue Stockdale










11 Who is in your support network? Janne Sponsors Family Local Inuit Terje Till Equipment suppliers Media Friends Other explorers

12 What helps us? Confidence in our own ability Desire to explore the “unknown” Acceptance of consequence Willingness to learn (from mistakes) Trends – others doing it Tolerance of “failure” Supportive environment –trust in others Our attitude towards risk

13 In which areas do you want to “push your boundaries”? Implementing the curriculum Safeguarding children Developing your leadership Helping staff to be confident to take risks Assessment and accountability Improving teaching standards Handling OFSTED inspections





18 How emotions drive our responses

19 Quality of Performance High Low Medium Performance vs. Stress High Level of Stress/Arousal

20 Influence & No Control No Influence & No Control Influence & Control Copyright © Sue Stockdale and Clive Steeper From Cope with Change at Work



23 Tell vs Ask TELL/Directive ASK/Non-Directive Asking questions Enabling new thinking Raising Awareness & Listening to Understand Challenging Sharing Impact Offering guidance/feedback/suggestions Giving Advice/ Instructing Following your agenda

24 Asking questionsWhich route do you suggest we take? Enabling new thinkingWhat’s another way of looking at that? Raising Awareness & Listening to Understand I heard you say that…..what’s that about? ChallengingYou said this was really important. I notice you haven’t spent any time on it… Sharing ImpactAs you suggest which direction, what is going on for me is… Offering guidance or feedback/suggestions May I give you some feedback about….. Giving AdviceI think it may be helpful if you… InstructingI want you to…. Following your agendaFollow me this way….. Tell vs Ask




28 Commitment Acceptance Change curve Denial Resistance Adapted from Kubler-Ross Copyright © Sue Stockdale and Clive Steeper From Cope with Change at Work Optimism “I don’t believe it” “But we have always done…”“Let’s try” “When we are….”

29 Commitment Acceptance What assumptions are you making? Denial Resistance Adapted from Kubler-Ross Copyright © Sue Stockdale and Clive Steeper From Cope with Change at Work PASTPRESENTFUTURE “What is”“What could be” “What was”



32 Exercise Go to the area that most resonates with how you would feel about doing this activity What caused you to choose this one?

33 Purpose Identity Beliefs and Values Skills and capabilities Behaviours Environment Reference: Robert Dilts, Neurological Levels of Change








41 Arena Known to all Façade Known to self Unknown to others Hidden Potential Unknown to all Blind-spot Unknown to self Known to others Johari Window Ref: Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham

42 Façade Known to self Unknown to others

43 Typical thinking and behaviour in response to changing environments Situation Emotional Reaction ResponseThinking ACTION Known To You & Unknown To Others +veSurprise “This is a chance to shine” Enjoyment I can be of value to others Commitment DenialI’ll show themEngage “I can’t believe they don’t know this? -veSurprise Known To You & Unknown To Others Macho or Invincibility Sue Stockdale, (2013) "How to Thrive in Change and Uncertainty", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 45 Issue: 5

44 Hazardous Thinking Patterns Anti-Authority – no one tells me what to do Impulsiveness – do something…anything Invincibility – it will never happen to me Macho – I can do it Resignation – whats the point? Ref: US Coast Guard

45 Ways to address hazardous Thinking Patterns Anti-Authority – identify there are always rules Impulsiveness – stop and take a breath Invincibility – review what you actually did Macho – recognise others are likely to already know you can do it Resignation – think what difference could I make here? Ref: US Coast Guard

46 My top five strengths are: Futuristic - Wouldn’t it be great if? Activator - When can we start? Significance - to be recognised Maximiser – Excellent not average Focus – Where am I headed? Focus on Strengths


48 Blind-spot Unknown to you Known to others

49 Typical thinking and behaviour in response to changing environments Situation Emotional Reaction ResponseThinking ACTION Unknown To You & Known to Others +veExcitement “I can learn from them” RelateWhat’s this? Commitment Anti-Authority No-one tells me what to do Defensive “They might find out my weakness” -veFear Unknown To You & Known to Others Resistance Ref: Sue Stockdale, (2013) "How to Thrive in Change and Uncertainty", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 45 Issue: 5

50 Unknown to You Known to Others Feedforward 1.Pick one area to improve or change 2.Let go of the past 3.Ask for ideas 4.Listen and thank 5.Follow-up Ref: What got you’re here won’t get you there by Marshall Goldsmith

51 Identify one behaviour that you would like to change or improve e.g. more structured at start of session, doing more CPD Share it with another person and ask for one or two ideas Person offers ideas – you LISTEN and say THANK YOU – no discussions or judgements Ask them what they want to improve or change and offer them one or two ideas – THEY LISTEN and say THANK YOU Both move on to get more ideas from other people Feedforward Ref: What got you’re here won’t get you there by Marshall Goldsmith




55 Hidden Potential Unknown to all

56 Typical thinking and behaviour in response to changing environments Situation Emotional Reaction ResponseThinking ACTION Unknown To All +veExcitement “I am curious” Engage What can we learn? Acceptance Unknown To All Commitment Do something ….anything Threat avoidance “This is scary” -veFear Impulsiveness Sue Stockdale, (2013) "How to Thrive in Change and Uncertainty", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 45 Issue: 5





61 Confidence in your own capabilities Your level of comfort with change Willingness to trust others Ability to show vulnerability Your ability to be aware of, and question assumptions Factors that will help you to push your boundaries

62 Arena Known to all Façade Known to self Unknown to others Hidden Potential Unknown to all Blind-spot Unknown to self Known to others Pushing your Boundaries Ref: Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham Confidence in your own capabilities Your level of comfort with change Willingness to trust others Ability to show vulnerability Your ability to be aware of, and question assumptions


64 Twitter @suestockdale Helping people to achieve exceptional performance

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