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Human Trafficking A global problem A local issue.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Trafficking A global problem A local issue."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Trafficking A global problem A local issue

2 Different stories – common features Masud was 12 years old when he was tricked into leaving his family in Bangladesh with an unknown man. They travelled to England where he was left in an Indian restaurant. To survive he worked in various restaurants and lived in store rooms. He was not allowed to go to school and his life was controlled by the restaurant owners. When he was 28, he contacted the local police who helped him get the right documents to stay in the UK and be reunited with his family. Candy was born in West Africa. At the age of 15; she was sold and brought to the UK where she was held prisoner and forced to work as a prostitute – seeing up to nine men a day. She felt isolated and scared in a country where she was totally alone. Candy stayed in the brothel because she was told that if she tried to leave, her family in Africa would be punished. Candy eventually escaped and found help at the police station. She is now rebuilding her life.


4 Trafficking is NOT….. Smuggling

5 Trafficking: facts and figures Fastest growing international crime In one day, while you are doing a 9 – 5 job, 480 people will be trafficked internationally 80% of victims are female 50% are children 2 children a minute are trafficked for sexual exploitation 70% of all women who are trafficked are sexually exploited Effects every country, everywhere

6 Where do trafficking victims end up? On your high street: forced begging, street crime In the sex industry As a domestic servant Making clothes / chocolate / mobile phones / laptops Working in agriculture / food production In cannabis cultivation houses

7 That's the problem, what’s the solution? ‘ trafficking starts in a community and it will be stopped by the community’ STOP THE TRAFFIK

8 WHAT CAN YOU DO? Today – sign up to STOP THE TRAFFIK online Tomorrow – raising awareness is crucial, tell someone how trafficking affects their life This month - What’s happening in your neighbourhood? Become an ACTIVE COMMUNITY against TRAFFICKING This autumn - Run for Freedom! Check out Freedom Ticket for Life, STOP THE TRAFFIK’s latest campaign

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