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Great Mosque of Cordoba (Spain) - ISLAMIC Once one of the biggest mosques in the World, it’s now a Catholic Cathedral since the Spanish Inquisition.

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Presentation on theme: "Great Mosque of Cordoba (Spain) - ISLAMIC Once one of the biggest mosques in the World, it’s now a Catholic Cathedral since the Spanish Inquisition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Great Mosque of Cordoba (Spain) - ISLAMIC Once one of the biggest mosques in the World, it’s now a Catholic Cathedral since the Spanish Inquisition.

2 “Shiva Nataraja (The Dancing Shiva)”. Bronze sculpture, ca 1400. HINDU

3 Japanese Torii

4 Andrea Mantegna, Lamentation Over Dead Christ, c1490 EARLY ITALIAN RENAISSANCE

5 Simone Martini, Annunciation, 1333. LATE GOTHIC / PROTO-RENAISSANCE

6 Hagia Sophia (Istanbul 532-537) BYZANTINE

7 Mihrab in Hagia Sophia, Istanbul. ISLAMIC ART

8 Dying Gaul Pergamon, Turkey ca. 230-220 BC HELLENISTIC PERIOD

9 Albrecht Durer Adam And Eve, Engraving, 1504. HIGH GERMAN RENAISSANCE

10 Pieter Bruegel the Elder The Hunters In the Snow. 1565. Oil on panel HIGH NETHERLANDISH RENAISSANCE

11 St. Chapelle 1220-1236 FRENCH RAYONNANT GOTHIC Housed holy relics of the Passion of Christ collected by Louis IX

12 Mihrab (Islamic niche on qibla wall) ISLAMIC

13 Gerrit Rietveld, Schroder House, 1923-24. DE STIJL

14 The Dome of the Rock, 691 CE (Oldest existing Islamic building in the World) ISLAMIC

15 The Taj Mahal, Agra, India. ISLAMIC ART

16 Ganesha the Elephant-headed God HINDU

17 The Great Stupa, 3 rd Century BCE, Sanchi, India. BUDDHISM


19 Vishnu the Preserver Hindu

20 Hindu Temple

21 Vedas, or Vedic Hindu Text pages HINDU

22 Augustus of Primaporta, Early 1 st Century BCE REPUBLIC ROME

23 Umberto Boccioni Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, 1913. FUTURISM

24 Georgia O’Keeffe Red Canna, 1923. REGIONALISM

25 Henri Matisse, The Joy of Life, 1905-06. FAUVISM

26 Salvador Dali, The Persistence Of Memory, 1931. SURREALISM

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