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Presentation on VetHealth powered by GetMed Prepared by The VetHealth ManagementTeam To the Joint Standing Committee on Defence 30 April 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation on VetHealth powered by GetMed Prepared by The VetHealth ManagementTeam To the Joint Standing Committee on Defence 30 April 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation on VetHealth powered by GetMed Prepared by The VetHealth ManagementTeam To the Joint Standing Committee on Defence 30 April 2007

2 Our Vision We aim to be the health administrator of choice for health funding solutions focused on the military veterans and their dependants and victims of war

3 Our Mission We exist as a business to deliver benefits for our stakeholders: –Members – the highest standards of service and affordable cost to access quality health care –Providers – the highest standards of service and fair remuneration for health services –Employees – an environment to grow as a person and to create personal financial value –Shareholders – an attractive investment

4 Background Needs of many military veterans, dependants and victims of war Local history –Military Veterans Affairs Act, 1999 as amended –No solutions to date –ABMVA approval of VetHealth November 2006

5 Getmed in International Context Trade Mark registered in various African countries Request for proposal in: –Swaziland –Mozambique MOU signed in: –Central African Republic –Congo Brazzaville Administration solution operating in –Botswana –Ghana Build operate and transfer tender in Kenya

6 GetMed’s Offering Economic restitution –Training and education –Work placement –Capital growth Health and lifestyle care VetHealth

7 Why does VetHealth exist Vethealth to be administrator and distributor of health solutions to military veterans and dependants Vethealth to be facilitator of improved health and lifestyle Vethealth to create personal growth and economic wellbeing environment for veterans and dependants

8 How does VetHealth exist VetHealth Veterans Holdings Veterans Organisations GetMed Management Constantia Insurance Ambledown

9 Veterans Organisations Endorsing VetHealth powered by GetMed MKMVA CMVO AZANLA APLA YMVA ABMVA (statutory body)

10 How does VetHealth operate VetHealth to be regulated by Military Veterans Affairs Act, 1999 as amended To add value to the ABMVA to assist the Minister to create unified structures

11 How is VetHealth governed VetHealth Fund Board of Trustees Dept of Defence Veterans Members Representatives Special Expertise Consultants Administration Service level agreement VetHealth Distribution Service level agreement VetHealth

12 Conclusion Philanthropic motivation Properly governed environment Unification of military veterans Caring of military veterans, their dependants and victims of war Extend solution to other veterans in Africa

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