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Unit 5 Vocabulary. Accomplice Definition: a person who takes part in a crime Sentence: The thief and his lady accomplice will spent time in jail for wrong.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5 Vocabulary. Accomplice Definition: a person who takes part in a crime Sentence: The thief and his lady accomplice will spent time in jail for wrong."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 5 Vocabulary

2 Accomplice Definition: a person who takes part in a crime Sentence: The thief and his lady accomplice will spent time in jail for wrong doing. Picture: Criminal – did the crime Accomplice: took part in the crime.

3 Annihilate Definition: to destroy completely Sentence: The atomic bomb annihilated the city the people of Hiroshima. Picture: Complete distruction after a bomb

4 arbitrary Definition: unreasonable; based on one’s wishes or whims without regard for reason or fairness Sentence: States continue to have arbitrary laws. For example, Kentucky’s law that states, “A woman may not buy a hat without her husband’s permission.” (weird and unreasonable )

5 Brazen Definition: shameless, impudent, made of brass Sentence: Some might argue that horror movies are brazen films for young kids. More examples: (something or someone that is rude, full of bad words, insults, or just does not care what others think) Horror movies, some rap songs, cartoons (Family Guy etc.)

6 Catalyst Definition: a substance that causes or hastens a chemical reaction; any agent that causes change Sentence: Vinegar is a catalyst to an explosion when added to baking soda. Picture:

7 Exodus Definition: a large-scale departure of flight Sentence: The news reported that there was an exodus of children from Central America to the United States. Picture: War can cause an exodus of people (refugees)

8 Facilitate Definition: to make easier: to assist Sentence: The teacher facilitated the distribution of the test and this helped avoid confusion. Picture: BGJHS student learn to be great facilitators, thanks to the Leader In Me and teachers.

9 incorrigible Definition: not able to be corrected, beyond control Sentence: A lie can be incorrigible, so I always recommend to tell the truth. Picture: Sometimes too much whiteout just means that you need to start again. (incorrigible)

10 Latent Definition: hidden, present but not realized Sentence: Cancer can be latent and that is why x-rays are recommended to bring them out into the open. Picture:

11 militant Definition: Given to fighting; active and aggressive in support of a cause; an activist Sentence: Military schools are know for their militant strategies in discipline.

12 Morose Definition: having a gloomy or sullen manner; not friendly or sociable Sentence: The student’s morose attitude was a direct result from his pet’s death. Picture:

13 Opaque Definition: not letting light through; not clear or lucid; dense, stupid Sentence: The window has an opaque tint on them to prevent a glare on the whiteboard. Picture:

14 Paramount Definition: chief in importance, above all others Sentence: It is paramount that an 8 th grade student master a counter- argument sentence if he/she wants to score proficient or distinguished at the end of the year test. Picture:

15 prattle Definition: to talk in an aimless, foolish, or simple way; to babble Sentence: Some students can prattle away when they are trying to come up with an excuse for not completing work. Picture

16 rebut Definition: to offer arguments or evidence that contradicts an assertion; to refute Sentence: The lawyer rebutted all charges against his client. Picture:

17 reprimand Definition: to scold; find fault with; a rebuke Sentence: The teacher will reprimand students if they do no turn in their homework. Picture:

18 servitude Definition: slavery, forced labor Sentence: Some teenagers will say that having chores at home makes them feel like they are in servitude. Funny. Picture:

19 slapdash Definition: careless and hasty Sentence: When you don’t prewrite, your essay might seem slapdash. Picture:

20 stagnant Definition: not running or flowing; foul form standing still; inactive, sluggish, dull Sentence: I would not recommend drinking stagnant water because it might make you sick. Picture:

21 succumb Definition: to give way to superior force, yield Sentence: Most dieters occasionally succumb to the lure of a high- calorie dessert. Picture: Even when you don’t like medicine, sometimes you have to give in.

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