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Welcome to Biology! Mrs. Rhodes Room 302. Rules All Wahlert Handbook rules apply to this classroom as well as: Respect yourself, your peers, my classroom.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Biology! Mrs. Rhodes Room 302. Rules All Wahlert Handbook rules apply to this classroom as well as: Respect yourself, your peers, my classroom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Biology! Mrs. Rhodes Room 302

2 Rules All Wahlert Handbook rules apply to this classroom as well as: Respect yourself, your peers, my classroom and me. Be prepared, be on time and remain seated during class. During laboratory experiments, follow all safety precautions. No eating or drinking in this room! NO CELL PHONES – You will receive conduct points and have to pick your phone up from the main office.

3 Consequences 1st: Warning 2nd: Movement of student 3rd: Parent contact and/or detention with Mrs. Rhodes (this may include cleaning lab stations, desks and lab equipment) 4th: Administration referral

4 Homework and Assignments An assignment syllabus will be posted online. Due dates are clearly marked. Due dates will be strictly adhered to. –Late work will lose 50% –I will not ask for late work, it is your responsibility to turn it in.

5 Absence Policy If you are absent from class for any reason, it is your responsibility to get any notes or assignments from a classmate. You will have 1 extra day for a 1 day absence, 2 extra days for a 2 day absence, 3 extra days for a 3 day absence ….etc., to get your makeup work turned in. –Almost all assignments are on my website.

6 Test Policy If you are absent from school the day of a test or quiz, you will be required to make it up NO MORE THAN 2 days after your return to school. –You must use your time to make up any missed assessments. You cannot leave another class to make up a quiz or test for this class! Before school or after school are your choices –You will be given a “0” for all tests and quizzes not made up for whatever reason.

7 Cheating If any student is caught cheating, –parents will be called –the assignment, test, or quiz will be given a “0” –referral to the administration

8 Passes If a student has a pass of any type (unless it has to be signed), he/she will place the excuse in the “basket.” Put homework or other paperwork in the “inbox,” sit down, and begin the daily class procedures.

9 Class Format Be in the room with materials ready for class by the tardy bell; hand in any assignments or homework Write down the “opener” in your notebook and begin to find the answer –Openers cover what we will discuss that day and apply to a question on the test – they will help you! Lecture and/or activity –TAKE NOTES! Wrap-Up & Dismissal –If you leave a mess I WILL FIND YOU!

10 Bathroom Passes If you need to use the restroom during class work time, laboratory time or free time, sign the sheet and take the horse. During lecture, you may use the restroom ONLY if it is an emergency –If it really is an emergency, tell me and go! –I will send another student to check on you

11 Visits to the Nurse I have band-aids and ice packs You may only visit the nurse if it is an emergency (or if you have a scheduled appointment) –If it is an emergency tell me and go! –I will send another student to check on you

12 What’s my Grade? You must keep up with your total points. I suggest you keep a running tab in your notebook. Check your grade online. I do NOT like the question, “What’s my grade?” or “I don’t have a password”

13 Additional Help My planning period is my time, please respect it. Extra help will be offered on an as needed basis – I love helping students who want to learn!! You may schedule a time before or after school.

14 Dress Code If you are not in dress code in my room you will receive conduct points!! If you are not in dress code and I see you in the hall during the day you will receive conduct points!! No excuses – No exception P.S. – My room is usually the hottest and the coldest in the building --- –GET READY!

15 Honors Biology This is an honors course –I teach you the material you will need to know in AP Biology Successful students need to put in significant studying time and effort to receive a good grade

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