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Welcome Kevin Terpstra Math Teacher Mona Shores High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Kevin Terpstra Math Teacher Mona Shores High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Kevin Terpstra Math Teacher Mona Shores High School

2 Me 4th Year at Mona Shores Teach Alg. 1, Alg. 2, Coach 7 th grade Football and Varsity Asst. for Basketball Married and have two sons. One is 3 and the other is 8 months.

3 Grade Breakdown Homework 10% Quiz 20% Test 70% Tri- 80% Exam20%

4 Grading Scale A94-100 A-90-93 B+87-89 B83-86 B-80-82 C+ 77-79 C73-76 C- 70-72 D+67-69 D63-66 D-60-62 F Below 60% * Must get 70% or better to pass Algebra 1

5 Homework/Inclass Inclass (2 pts per day) You will be required to fill out notes each day and work on the in-class assignment while you are here. If you are absent, you can make up the points by copying notes from a classmate and showing them to me and then completing the assignment you missed. Homework (2 pts each) Homework will be assigned after each lesson. It will vary in length from 5-20 problems. We will do most of the work in class. (note: if you are absent you will have to make up both the in class assignment and the homework assignment.) If you have more than 1 missing assignment during a chapter, you will not be allowed to take your test until these assignments are complete. A zero will be given until your test is taken.

6 Quiz/Tests Quizzes (10-20 pts each) You will be quizzed over material once or twice/chapter. You may use handwritten notes to assist you during a quiz. No quiz retakes are allowed. Tests (80-200 pts each) You will be tested at the end of each chapter in this class. Tests will count for about 70% of your overall grade. In addition to the chapter tests, an exit exam will be given at the conclusion of the trimester. This exam will count for 20% of the trimester grade and cannot be retaken.

7 Class Procedures 1.Get your homework out and start on the warm up problems (some days there will not be one) 2.You will correct your own homework. It is graded for completion, not for correctness. It is used as a guide for you to see how well you understood the material. Please ask for help on all questions that you have on homework. Chances are you are not the only one who has them. 3.To get credit for your homework, you must show all necessary work. 4.Late homework will receive half credit, but it must be turned in before the chapter test. Homework passes will be given for hard work and completion of all assignments in a chapter.

8 Typical Day Get Thinking thinkagrams\thinkagrams2.doc thinkagrams\thinkagrams2.doc Corrections/Questions Notes (activity) Homework time

9 My Info Kevin Terpstra (231) 780-4711 ext. 8374 If possible please contact by email Best time to call 6 – 6:40 am 10:25-11:39 am Please visit my blog:

10 Questions????????

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