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Housekeeping Pick up:  Unit 2 Study Guide Hand in:  Signed course outline strip  HI #2 Need to make up for a lab?  Sign up sheet available at the back.

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Presentation on theme: "Housekeeping Pick up:  Unit 2 Study Guide Hand in:  Signed course outline strip  HI #2 Need to make up for a lab?  Sign up sheet available at the back."— Presentation transcript:

1 Housekeeping Pick up:  Unit 2 Study Guide Hand in:  Signed course outline strip  HI #2 Need to make up for a lab?  Sign up sheet available at the back

2 Portfolio Write name and block on the portfolio Collect:  Return HI#1  Density Lab Take portfolio home and go over questions at home On the day of quiz, bring portfolio back to school

3 Unit 2 Overview 2 quizzes  Unit conversion, SF and scientific notation  Separation method 1 lab 1 unit test (Around thanksgiving time) 1 study guide

4 Chemistry 11 Properties of Matter Gooey Stuff!

5 Terminology Physical change  Change that do not change what the substance is Chemical change  Change that results formation of new substance

6 Terminology Qualitative observation  Non-numerical information Quantitative observation  Numerical information

7 Terminology Physical property  A property that can be found without creating a new substance. Chemical property  The ability of a substance to undergo chemical reactions.

8 Terminology Intensive property  A physical property that depends on the nature of the substance.  (e.g., melting temperature, electrical conductivity and density) Extensive property  A physical property that depends on the amount of the substance.  Size matters!  (e.g., mass, volume, length and shape)

9 Properties of the ‘???’ Form a group of four. Choose:  Leader  Recorder  Presenter  Time keeper Pull out a piece of paper and write down names and their roles.

10 Properties of the ‘Slime’ Leader = Ensure no one is goofing around. Recorder = Write down the observations. Presenter = Share result with class. Time keeper = Ensure task is done on time.

11 Properties of the ‘???’ As a group come up with 15 observations. (e.g., the color is …, the mass is …,) Classify each observation as examples of terms (e.g., “the mass is …” is quantitative observation.) Restriction:  Balance, pH paper and thermometer are available for you to use at the back bench only  Everyone has a designated job.  Time limit = 15 minutes.  Do not touch if you have sensitive skin  Wash after touching

12 Gather Results! Give the slime back to Ms. Yajima Wash the beaker and return to the back bench Hand in the paper at the end of class.

13 Properties of the ‘Slime’ What are examples of the terms discussed?  Qualitative information (Ql)  Quantitative information (Qt)  Physical property (PP)  Chemical property (CP)

14 Properties of the ‘Slime’ What are examples of:  Intensive property (IP)  Extensive property (EP)

15 Properties of the ‘Slime’ Is the slime:  Element? Compound?  Metal? Non-Metal?  Homogenous or Heterogeneous mixture?

16 Terminology Matter  Anything that occupies space and has mass Element  A substance that cannot be separated into simpler substance (e.g., copper metal) Atom  The smallest possible unit of an element. (e.g., Silver metal is made of many silver atoms)

17 Terminology Compound  A pure substance made of one kind of molecule Molecule  A substance made of two or more atoms (e.g., O 2, H 2 O, C 12 H 22 O 11 ) Ion  An atom or molecule that has an electrical charge. (e.g., Na + is a sodium ion) Particle  A term used to describe a small bit of matter like an atom, molecule or ion

18 Terminology Homogeneous mixture  A mixture made of only one phase (e.g., air, miscible solution) Heterogeneous substance  A mixture made of two or more phases. (i.e, you can see the different parts in the mixture like oil and water (immiscible solution)) Solution  A homogeneous substances made of two or more substances.

19 State of the ‘Slime’ Is the slime:  Solid, liquid or gas?

20 States of Matter There are three main states of matter.  Gas, Liquid, Solid What makes one state different from other??

21 Kinetic Molecular Theory

22 Phase vs State In chemistry, words “phase” and “state” are used interchangeably. BUT they are slightly different.

23 Phase vs State Phase = A region (part) that has uniform chemical and physical properties. State = A form of matter such as solid, liquid or gas.

24 Phase vs State E.g., Consider mixing water and oil.  There are two phases.  Both substances are in liquid state so there is only one state.  Since there are two phases, mixture is heterogeneous.

25 Phase vs State E.g., Consider mixing water and soy sauce.  There is only one phase.  There is only one state.  Since there is one phase, mixture is homogeneous.


27 Classification of Matter Cut out the terms and arrange them in a chart or flow diagram that makes sense to you. Take picture and send it to OR arrange the terms on a piece of paper, glue or tape them, then bring it to class.


29 Finding out about Matter Complete section A and B For C, using two data set, plot two graphs Quiz next next class (Oct 2(Fri) or 3(Mon)):  Unit conversion  SF  Scientific notation  Measurement



32 Chemistry 11 Classification of Matter (Extra Materials)

33 Example of evidence of: Chemical change….  State changed from liquid to “solid” (precipitate forms)  Something burning or explosion  Color appears  Bubbles form  Ash forms  ΔTemperature  ΔSmell  ΔTaste (although you are not supposed to taste)  Poisonous chemical appears

34 Example of: Physical change  Freezing  Boiling  Condensing  Melting  Sublimation  Deposition  Grinding

35 Terminology Metal  A substance with properties such as: Solid Good electrical and thermal conductivity Malleable (can be hammered into a sheet like aluminum foil) Ductile (can be stretched into a wire form like a copper wire) Shiny Non Metal  A substance that does not show metallic characteristic.  Located on the right hand side of the periodic table.

36 Terminology Metals Non-metals

37 States of Matter StateShapeVolume When heated or pressurized Kinetic Energy SolidRigid Small Minimal Volume Change Small LiquidFluid Small Small Volume Change Large GasFluid Large Large Volume Change Very Large

38 Study Sheet for the New Unit This is a short unit, so let’s start working on the study sheet! Summarize important points for the sections according to the guideline Drawing recommended Use color to organize

39 Study Sheet Example

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