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 Identify the major technological and social characteristics of the Industrial Revolution.

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2  Identify the major technological and social characteristics of the Industrial Revolution

3  Started in Great Britain, spread rapidly throughout the world  Agricultural Revolution– mechanized farming, crop rotation, larger livestock  More food=more population=more labor

4  Power Sources---coal, h2o  Iron ore---tools and machines  River system and sea ports  Strong banking system/stable government

5  Small towns/rr stops became big cities.  People moved away from the country to seek factory jobs

6  Housing was difficult to find  Schools were overcrowded  Cities were filthy (no public sanitation)…disease was rampant

7  Factories---dark, dirty, dangerous.  Workers—14hrs/6 days. Loss of limbs or death was not uncommon.

8  Middle class expanded (skilled workers)  Increase of goods and services which led to lower prices.

9  The US followed Britain’s model.  Resources, sizable work force, inventions (light bulb)  Selling of stocks to finance corp  Women and children joined workforce

10  Analyze the relationship between the expanding world market economy and the development of industrialization in Great Britain, the United States, Germany, and Japan including shifts in world demography and urbanization and changing class and race relations.

11  Market Economy—system where prices are freely set based upon supply and demand.  Little or no interference from the government  IR---led to market economies in GB, USA, Germ, Jap.

12  Abundant natural resources  Agricultural revolution--- more food and less farmers  Favorable geography, political stability and stable banking

13  Dramatic industrial growth—size and resources  Transcontinental railroad symbolized industrial growth  Northern factories, southern farmers and western mines

14  Germany was not a unified country at the start of IR…scattered development  Germany benefitted

15  Began in the Meiji Era  Began building railroads, factories and expanding the military  Blueprint---Navy=Great Britain, Army=Germany, Educational System=USA

16  A strong middle class emerged-- -professionals, small business owners, service providers.  Middle class increased the demand for goods…which leads to higher wages.

17  Lower wage earners overcrowded cities looking for work.  Poor sanitation, no health care, crime, disease, etc  Inequalities grew between the lower wage earner and the industrialist  Many people from varied backgrounds moved to cities, this caused conflicts between ethnic groups.

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