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Do Now: Turn to page 32-33 in your textbook. Copy the definitions of hierarchy, cuneiform, stylus, and ziggurat Stylus—a pointed stick used for writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Turn to page 32-33 in your textbook. Copy the definitions of hierarchy, cuneiform, stylus, and ziggurat Stylus—a pointed stick used for writing."— Presentation transcript:


2 Do Now: Turn to page 32-33 in your textbook. Copy the definitions of hierarchy, cuneiform, stylus, and ziggurat Stylus—a pointed stick used for writing

3 The Sumerians  First empire of Mesopotamia An empire is a group of states or territories ruled by one government  Contributions: Irrigation system, cuneiform, stylus, chariot, plow, wheel

4 The Babylonians  Invaded Sumerian civilization about 2300 BC and built the city of Babylon on the Euphrates River  Greatest King was Hammurabi

5 The Babylonians Continued…  Greatest contribution— Hammurabi’s Code of Laws 282 laws chiseled on stone and inscribed in clay Laws had to do with commerce, trade, marriage, divorce, and property rights Based on the concept of “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”


7 The Hittites  Were herders who established an empire in Asia Minor (the peninsula that forms Turkey) about 1600 BC

8 The Hittites Continued…  They were known for two things: 1. First who knew how to smelt iron Could make iron weapons and chariots 2. Had a legal system Financial payment for crimes

9 The Assyrians  Overran the Hittites and Babylonians around 900 BC  Borrowed ideas from other civilizations and most remembered for their extreme cruelty and methods of torture

10 The Assyrians Continued…  King Assurbanipal built a magnificent library at Ninevah Library contained 22,000 clay tablets in cuneiform


12 The Chaldeans or New Babylonians  Took over after Assurbanipal’s death in 612 BC  Famous King Nebuchadnezzar

13 The Chaldeans or New Babylonians Continued…  Hanging Gardens of Babylon One of the seven wonders of the Ancient World babylon/9a89b71b9856d85f90739a89b71b9856d85f9073- 208473818202?q=hanging%20gardens%20of%20babylon&FORM=VIRE1 babylon/9a89b71b9856d85f90739a89b71b9856d85f9073- 208473818202?q=hanging%20gardens%20of%20babylon&FORM=VIRE1 babylon/c9eb2a5d7de4cb8a5308c9eb2a5d7de4cb8a5308-195518334219?q=hanging%20gardens%20of%20babylon babylon/c9eb2a5d7de4cb8a5308c9eb2a5d7de4cb8a5308-195518334219?q=hanging%20gardens%20of%20babylon

14 The Persians  Shared the Iranian plateau with a people called the Medes until 553 BC when the Persian king Cyrus and his successors took over  Had a huge empire until they fell to Alexander the Great in 331 BC


16 The Persians Continued…  Contribution: Religion Religious leader Zoroaster preached their was one supreme god Ahura- Mazda (god of light) who was in constant conflict with Ahriman (a prince of darkness) Preached of a final judgment day

17 The Phoenicians  Lived near the Mediterranean Sea and became great sailors and merchants  Developed the worlds first alphabet—signs that stood for sounds

18 The Hebrews  About 1800 BC moved from Mesopotamia to Israel  Developed the first monotheistic religion—Judaism  Contributed the Ten Commandments and the Old Testament

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