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Renaissance & Reformation SECTION 3 OBJ: Discuss Christian Humanism & the development of Protestantism.

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1 Renaissance & Reformation SECTION 3 OBJ: Discuss Christian Humanism & the development of Protestantism

2 I. Erasmus & Christian Humanism A.The ideas of Italian Humanism spread to northern Europe creating a movement known as Christian Humanism. Christian Humanists believed in the ability of humans to reason and improve themselves. Prior to the Renaissance people believed & were told by the Church that you cannot improve your life. The Church had absolute authority over the common people. Prior to the Renaissance people believed & were told by the Church that you cannot improve your life. The Church had absolute authority over the common people.

3 Reasons for the Church’s absolute authority  Serfdom  Gov. system where most commoners (peasants) were attached to a lords land – form of slavery  Divine Right Monarchies  Kings & other rulers who believed & forced others to believe they were appointed by GOD  Illiteracy  Most commoners could not read the Bible & understand it for themselves. Had to rely on what the Church told them.  Latin (the official language of the Church)  The Bible was written in Latin. Only the educated could read it.

4 B.Christian Humanists wanted to reform the Catholic Church. They wanted the priests to: 1. stress inward piety through studying the works of Christianity. 2. stop treating Sunday service like a pagan ritual. 3. preach to the needs of the people not the needs of the Church. C. Erasmus is the father & best - Known Christian Humanist. He developed “Philosophy of Christ” to show people how to achieve salvation without the Church’s false teachings and pagan rituals.

5 … In order to reform the Church, he believed all Christian Humanists should spread the “Philosophy of Christ”, educate the common people about Christianity, & criticize the abuses of the Church. In 1509 he wrote The Praise of Folly – attacked the church.  ERASMUS (1466 – 1536) (1466 – 1536)

6 II. Religion on the eve of revolution A.In the early 1500’s, corruption within the Catholic Church had become so prevalent, the Christian Humanists & educated commoners (middle class) started calling for reforms. Some of the corruptions included:  Incompetent popes between 1450 – 1520 Incompetent popes between 1450 – 1520 Incompetent popes between 1450 – 1520  Selling of indulgences  Uneducated priests  Pagan rituals  Promotion within the church was political – not based on ability. “Good Old Boy” system  Church not concerned with peoples needs – only retaining authority over them

7 B.Many church officials and local priests were ignorant to their spiritual duties – especially the teaching of salvation. As a result, obtaining salvation became mechanical – collecting relics or giving extra money. Also, indulgences were sold to the people by the clergy. indulgences C.Due to corruption and dishonesty throughout the Church, many people sought comfort through the “Modern Devotion” which stressed the need to follow the teachings of Jesus, and not church doctrine. Most educated people viewed the church as unconcerned with their spiritual needs.

8  This situation helps to explain the teachings & ideas of Martin Luther. Martin Luther (1483 – 1546) Not to be confused with Martin Luther King Jr. (1929 – 1968)

9 III. Martin Luther A.M artin Luther was a monk & professor at the University of Wittenberg. He rejected the teaching that both faith & good works were necessary in order to achieve salvation. He believed salvation was through faith alone. Justification by Faith became the Protestant Church’s chief teaching. For all Protestants the Bible, not the Church, became the primary source for religious truth and Knowledge.

10 B.Luther believed that the selling of indulgences hurt peoples chances of achieving salvation. On October 31, 1517 Luther posted his 95 Theses (on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg). The 95 Theses attacked the abuses of the Church - especially the selling of 95 Theses 95 Theses indulgences. indulgences.

11 C.1520 – Luther encouraged the German princes to overthrow the papacy and establish a reformed German Church. He wanted the reformed churches to keep only 2 Catholic doctrines – communion & baptism. He also believed He also believed the clergy should should be allowed to marry. to marry.

12 D.The Catholic Church excommunicated Luther at his trial in the city of Worms in 1521. Luther’s books were to be burned, and he was to be delivered to the emperor. Local rulers, however, protected him. E.Luther’s religious movement soon became a revolution & gained support from many German rulers who took control of Catholic churches and formed state churches supervised by the government. These churches had bible readings, preaching from the Bible and singing to replace mass. This doctrine became known as Lutheranism – the 1 st protestant faith.

13 IV. Politics in the German Reformation A.C C hhhh aaaa rrrr llll eeee ssss V V V V – – – – – Holy Roman Emperor. Ruled Spain (b/c he is from there), Austrian lands, Bohemia, part of Hungary, the Low Countries, Milan, Naples, German States, and Spanish territory in the new world. He wanted to keep his empire Catholic. PPPProblems within the Holy Roman Empire: Rivalry with France - Francis I Pope Clement II opposed him – sided with the French during Italian Wars Ottoman Empire was attacking from south Individual rulers of the German states supportedLuther

14 B.In 1555 Charles V finally made peace with the German princes in the Peace of Augsburg. This treaty accepted the division of Christianity within Germany. The German states could choose to be either Catholic or Lutheran. Rulers would choose not individuals. All states would have the same legal rights. Charles V (1500 - 1558) Holy Roman Emperor Ruled: 1519 - 1558

15 Q. & A.  Why did the Church want to maintain absolute authority over the people of Europe?  Why was illiteracy so common during this time period?  What made education so difficult to obtain?  Who is the father of Christian Humanism?  What is the Philosophy of Christ?  What do you feel was wrong with the Catholic Church during this time period?  What are indulgences?

16 Q. & A. Cont.  What was the 95 Theses?  Why was this such an important event in history?  What is salvation?  How did the Catholic Church view Luther & why?  What was the 1 st Protestant Faith?  What was the Peace of Augsburg?  Did the Peace of Augsburg establish complete religious freedom? Explain your answer.

17 Homework Activity:  Complete the Q. & A.  Create a chart comparing and contrasting the Catholic faith with Protestant Faiths. List as many Protestant faiths as you can. List some of the other major religions of the world & whether or not they have divisions within them.

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