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Chapter 2 Geography Notes

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1 Chapter 2 Geography Notes

2 Climate – A pattern of weather over a time period
Climate zones – Geographers divide the Earth into climate zones to help the study of the Earth. Each zone has a pattern of temperature and precipitation

3 The patterns of weather are shown on a climagraph
The Climagraph shows the average temperature and precipitation in a place over a year. Look at the labels on the sides and along the bottom.

4 5 main Climate Zones –look in your books pages 30-31
Tropical Dry Temperate Cold Polar

5 Location affects climate
Things that affect Temperature Latitude is the most important – affects direct sunlight Elevation (Altitude) affects temperature – Places at higher elevations are cooler

6 Vegetation – Plants and tress that grow in an area – see pages 32-33
Climate has an effect on vegetation Colder Climate zones bushes and small plants grow Hot climates cacti grow Trees Coniferous trees – Needles and cones Deciduous Trees – Broad flat leaves that shed before winter

7 Population Density – The average number of people living an area.
Tells us how crowded a place is Figuring Population density – Divide the number of people by the amount of space Number of people / Area in Square miles = number of people/square mile

8 Economic Activity – Any action that relates to making, buying, selling goods and services
Economic activity maps show land use

9 Economic activity depends on a countries natural resources
Natural resources include Fossil Fuels: Oil, Natural gas, Trees Water for Hydro electric power – converting moving water’s energy to usable power

10 An area with one or more features that set it apart from other areas
Regions have both Human and physical characteristics Human Characteristics – Anything built by humans Physical Characteristics – water body or landform that occurs naturally

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