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Inductive Proofs Kangwon National University 임현승 Programming Languages These slides were originally created by Prof. Sungwoo Park at POSTECH.

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Presentation on theme: "Inductive Proofs Kangwon National University 임현승 Programming Languages These slides were originally created by Prof. Sungwoo Park at POSTECH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inductive Proofs Kangwon National University 임현승 Programming Languages These slides were originally created by Prof. Sungwoo Park at POSTECH.

2 2 Natural numbers Regular binary trees Inductive Def. of Syntactic Categories

3 3 Judgment Inference rules Inductive Definitions of Judgments

4 4 Even and Odd Numbers Judgments Inference rules

5 5 Derivable Rule and Admissible Rule Derivable rule Admissible rule

6 6 But... What is the point of specifying a system and doing nothing else? –E.g., why do we define the two judgments n even and n odd at all? What if the definition is wrong? –E.g., what if we mistakenly introduced the rule: So we need "inductive proofs."

7 7 Outline Inductive Proofs –Structural Induction –Rule Induction

8 8 Proves a property of a syntactic category by analyzing the structure of its definition. I want to prove P(n) for every natural number n. –Examples of P(n) n has a successor. n is 0 or has a predecessor n'. n is a product of prime numbers. n is even (which cannot be proven). Structural Induction

9 9 Structural Ind. ¼ Mathematical Ind.

10 10

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12 12 Structural Induction on Trees

13 13 Example

14 14 Structural Induction on mparen

15 Here is the first theorem we prove in this course!

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17 17 Outline Inductive Proofs –Structural Induction V –Rule Induction similar to structural induction, but applied to derivation trees

18 18 Rule Induction A judgment J with inference rules:

19 19 Example

20 20 How Rule Induction Works A judgment J with two inference rules:

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23 23 mparen and lparen From We obtain

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25 Sometimes we need a lemma if a direct proof attempt fails.

26 26 But it is not of the form "If J holds, then P(J) holds." Trick: prove instead

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