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Published bySophie Copeland Modified over 9 years ago
TABLE OF CONTENT Purpose Fourth Quarter Performance Overview against Predetermined Objective DWCPD budget For the Fourth Quarter Programme Performance for each programme Progress made on the 2 nd and 3 rd Quarter Outstanding Target 2
PURPOSE To present progress made for the period 01 January 2014 to 31 March 2014, including challenges confronting the department in its pursuit of the 2013/14 financial targets as outlined in the Department’s Annual Performance Plan 3
PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW FOR THE FOURTH QUARTER OF THE 2013/14 FINANCIAL YEAR The figure below illustrates the overall performance of the Department of Women Children and People with Disabilities for the fourth quarter The department planned a total of 34 targets for the fourth quarter and achieved 29 targets (85%) while 5 targets (15%) were not achieved 4
COMPARISON FOR Q 1, Q 2,Q3 AND Q4 PERFORMANCE AGAINST PREDETERMINED OBJECTIVES A comparison is made for the first, second, third and the fourth Quarter of the current financial year 2013/14 against predetermined objectives. The figure below illustrates that in the first Quarter the department achieved 13 targets out of 26 planned targets (50%), second Quarter the department achieved 24 targets out of 35 planned targets (69%),third Quarter the department achieved 27 targets out of 37 planned targets (73%) and the in the fourth quarter, the department achieved 29 targets(85%) out of 34. 5
FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 6 The total Budget for the year 2013/14 is R198 312 million including funds for the Commission on Gender Equality and the Actual Expenditure for the 4 th Quarter was R187 904 million The figure below illustrates that the departmental planned projections were R198 312 million for the 4 th Quarter of 2013 / 14 and that the Actual Expenditure amounted to R 187 904 million representing a variance of R10 408 million, Therefore the department has spent 95% against its budget.
FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE (Economic Classification ) 7
PROGRAMME 1 : PERFORMANCE INFORMATION The purpose of this programme is to provide strategic management and administrative support to the Department. The figure below illustrates that out of 12 targets planned for the fourth quarter of the 2013/14 financial year, Programme 1 (Administration) achieved 11 targets (92%) and 1 targets (8% ) were not achieved. 8
The figure below illustrates that in the first quarter Programme 1 achieved 2 out of 9 planned targets (22%), second quarter achieved 7 targets out of 13 planned targets (54%),in the third quarter the Programme 1 achieved 9 targets out of 13 planned targets (69%) and in the fourth quarter Programme 1 achieved 11 targets out of 12 planned targets (92%) PROGRAMME1 : COMPARISON FOR Q1, Q2,Q3 & Q4 FOR ADMINISTRATION 9
The figure below illustrates that out of the total planned budget projection of R89 970 million for the 4 th Quarter, the actual expenditure was R83 600 million, with an under expenditure of R6 370 million. Therefore Programme 1 has spent 93% of its budget for the 4 th Quarter. PROGRAMME 1 : FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 10
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q4 TargetDescription of progress made Performance Status Reason for Deviation Correctiv e measure s Number of Internal Audit reports issued on the 3 year rolling plan 41Three Audits reports were issued Human Resource Management Report Supply Chain Management Report IT General and Applications Control Report Achieved None % of management action plans followed up and verified 100% AchievedNone 365 Day Plan of Action (POA) coordinated 100% of planned actions achieved Council plenary meeting held The NCGBV held plenary meeting on the 3 rd March 2014 AchievedNone 11
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q4 TargetDescription of progress made Performance Status Reason for Deviation Corrective measures % of deviation on expenditure against allocated funding 5% (not in excess of) 5% 95% expenditure budget spent Achieved None % of reduction of vacancy rate 7% Vacancy rate is currently at 11.3% (8% reduction) Achieved None % of staff satisfaction rate conducted through survey 60% Only quarter 2 measured Not Achieved Management decision that the survey should not be conducted until recommendation from staff on improvement has been received and implemented To continue with the survey in the first quarter 2014/15 12
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q4 TargetDescription of progress made Performance Status Reason for Deviation Corrective measures Annual Stakeholder Forum coordinated. 1 Annual Stakeholder Forum Report on the ASF submitted An Annual Stakeholder Forum held and a Report to that effect compiled AchievedNone Communication Plan (with regard to marketing and branding) implemented Communication Plan developed Review on the effectiveness of the Communication Plan The Communication Plan was developed in Q2 and reviewed and the conclusion was that another survey is to be conducted on brand awareness A research report on the effectiveness of the reviewed 16 days Communication Plan AchievedNone Number of evidence based research projects (empowerment violence and survival )on women, children and people with disabilities undertaken 31Final working paper on the role of social security in protecting children ‘s dignity completed AchievedNone 13
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q4 Target Description of progress made Performance Status Reason for Deviation Corrective measures Number of research analytic reports on the status of women, children and people with disabilities produced 61 1 Achieved None Number of strategic documents (Strategic Plan, Annual Performance Plan (APP) and the Annual Report developed 31 (APP 14/15 developed 1 APP 2014/15 developed and submitted to the National Treasury and Parliament Achieved None 14
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q4 Target Description of progress made Performance Status Reason for Deviation Corrective measures Risk management maturity level improved by implementing a risk register and Quarterly Risk Assessment Reports compiled Risk Register developed Quarterly Risk Assessment Report submitted to the accounting officer and Risk Management Committee Quarterly Risk Assessment Report AchievedNone 15
PROGRAMME 1: PROGRESS MADE ON Q2 & Q3, OUTSTANDING TARGETS Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q3 Target Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Performance Status Progress Information % of management action plans followed up and verified 100%60% Follow-up audit completed Achieved 100% of management action plans followed up and verified 365 Days Plan of Action (POA) coordinated 100% of planned actions achieved Monitoring System approved Draft concept for the GBV Monitoring Tool system will be compiled in the 3 rd Quarter Not Achieved The 1 st draft report still required an analysis of the costing of the 365 Day NAP and consultations with JCPS Cluster and other Department as per ToR 16
PROGRAMME 1: PROGRESS MADE ON Q2 & Q3 OUTSTANDING TARGETS Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q3 Target Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Performance Status Progress Information % of deviation on expenditure against allocated funding 5% (not in excess of) 0% Expenditure monitoring elevated to Top Management Target to be achieved at the 4 th Quarter Achieved 95% expenditure budget spent % of reduction of vacancy rate 7%4% Continue to improve recruitment processes and minimise resignation AchievedVacancy rate is currently at 11.3% (8% reduction) % of staff satisfaction rate conducted through survey 60% Survey will be conducted in the 4 th Quarter Not AchievedPresentation was made at staff meeting on 31 March 2014 and a decision was taken to do another survey in 1 st Quarter of 2014/15 financial year 17
PROGRAMME 1: PROGRESS MADE ON Q2 & Q3 OUTSTANDING TARGETS Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q2 & Q3 Target Description of progress made Performance Status Progress Information Events coordination for three sectors in the department (women, children and people with disabilities) Reports on events coordinated produced Reports on International Day of Children, Day of the African Child, and National Epilepsy Week Improve planning with the advocacy units Not Achieved Target cannot be met as these event s only occur once in a year Reports on National Cerebral Palsy Week Deaf awareness Week Disability consideration are included in all campaigns Deferred for the next financial yea r 18
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION 19 Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q3 TargetDescription of progress made Performance Status Progress Information Events coordination for three sectors in the department (women, children and people with disabilities) Reports on events coordinated produced International Day of the Girl Child The department focused on International Rural Women’s Day Deferred for the next financial yea r National Down Syndrome Day
PROGRAMME 2: WOMEN EMPOWERMENT AND GENDER EQUALITY (WEGE) The purpose of the Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality programme is to facilitate and report comprehensively on the translation of National and International commitments into empowerment and socio-economic development programmes towards the realisation of women’s rights and the progressive realisation of equality 20
PROGRAMME 2: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION The figure below illustrates that out of 7 targets planned for the fourth quarter of the 2013/14 financial year, Programme 2 (WEGE) achieved 7 targets of all the planned targets (100%) 21
PROGRAMME 2: COMPARISON FOR Q1 Q2, & Q3 (WEGE) The figure below illustrates that in the first quarter Programme 2 achieved 7 out of 9 targets planned (78%), in the second quarter achieved 7 targets out of 8 (88%)and in the third Quarter Programme 2 achieved 7 targets out of 8 targets and in the fourth quarter Programme 2 achieved 7 targets of all the planned targets (100) 22
PROGRAMME 2: FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE The figure below illustrates that out of the total planned budget projections of R85 026 million for the 4 th Quarter the actual expenditure was R84 471 million with an under expenditure of R555 000. Therefore Programme 2 has spent 99 % of its budget for the 4 th Quarter. 23
PROGRAMME 2: WOMEN EMPOWERMENT AND GENDER EQUALITY Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q4TargetDescription of progress made Performance Status Reason for Deviation Correctiv e measures Number of programmes on WEGE Policy coordinated 8 2 Successfully coordinated WEGE Bill consultation with women for all Provinces in January Presented the WEGE Bill to Provincial legislature and public hearings across the country in February and March in support of Parliament Convened the National Women’s Consultation Forum as part of the International Women’s Day Achieved None 24
PROGRAMME 2: WOMEN EMPOWERMENT AND GENDER EQUALITY Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q4 TargetDescription of progress made Performance Status Reason for Deviation Corrective measures Number of Programmes on women’s socio- economic opportunities and development coordinated 5 1 Coordinated participation and representation of rural women at the Japan-Africa Business Women Exchange Program Seminar and contributed to the conceptualisation of the Exchange Progamme AchievedNone Number of advocacy campaigns on Prevention of Mother –To–Child Transmission 11 Report on the High Level Meeting Target 7 of the UN on Eliminate Gender Inequalities, Gender Based Abused and Violence, and increase Capacity of Women and Girls to protect themselves from HIV AchievedNone 25
PROGRAMME 2: WOMEN EMPOWERMENT AND GENDER EQUALITY Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q4 TargetDescription of progress made Performance Status Reason for Deviation Corrective measures Number of initiatives on institutional support and capacity development framework undertaken 31 Institutional support for piloting of GRB was provided in the Free State and Western Cape Provinces with technical support for incorporation of Gender issues in the IDP AchievedNone Number of National Gender Mainstreaming (NGM) programmes coordinated 41 The national gender machinery was convened as part of the Women’s National Consultative Forum attended by members of the NGM AchievedNone 26
PROGRAMME 2: WOMEN EMPOWERMENT AND GENDER EQUALITY Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q4 TargetDescription of progress made Performance Status Reason for Deviation Corrective measures Number of initiatives for young women in (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields coordinated 41 Report on the initiative compiled in partnerships with business and government AchievedNone Number of provincial programmes on implementation of women empowerment & gender equality monitored 41 Consolidated Monitoring & Evaluation Report on women projects visited in provinces AchievedNone 27
PROGRAMME 2: PROGRESS MADE ON Q2 OUTSTANDING TARGETS Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q3 Target Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Performance Status Progress Information Number of programmes on WEGE Policy coordinated 82 Finalisation of the consultations on the WEGE Policy review to be resumed and completed in the next financial year Not Achieved Focus in Quarter 4 was on supporting the Parliament processing of the WEGE Bill Finalisation of the consultations on the WEGE Policy review to be resumed and completed in the next financial year 28
PROGRAMME 3: CHILDREN’S RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES (CRR) The purpose of the Children Rights and Responsibilities Programme is to promote, advocate and monitor the realisation of children’s rights through Government’s policies and programmes. The figure below illustrates that out of 10 targets planned for the fourth quarter, Programme 3 (CRR) achieved 9 targets (90%) and 1 target (10%) was not achieved 29
PROGRAMME 3:COMPARISON FOR Q1 & Q2 FOR (CRR) The figure below illustrates that in the first quarter Programme 3 achieved 4 out of 5 targets planned (80%) in the second quarter Programme 3 achieved 6 out of 8 targets planned (75%), in the third quarter achieved 6 out of 8 targets planned (75%) and in the fourth Quarter Programme 3 Achieved 9 out of 10 (90%) 30
PROGRAMME 3: FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE The figure below illustrates that out of the total planned budget projections of R9 541 million, the actual expenditure was R8 763 million, with an under expenditure of R778 000. Therefore Programme 3 has spent 92% of its planned targets for the 4 th. Quarter 31
PROGRAMME 3: CHILDREN’S RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q4 TargetDescription of progress made Performance Status Reason for Deviation Corrective measures Number of Municipalities work shopped on Mainstreaming Strategy 21 A workshop was held with child ambassadors from Provinces on the 9 th and 10 th January 2014 capacitating them on children’s rights for mainstreaming purposes AchievedNone Number of Social Campaigns on rights of children conducted 31 (No Violence against women and children conducted ) Awareness raising campaign on the prevention of violence against children was held on 25th March 2014 in Diepsloot in partnership with SAPS AchievedNone 32
PROGRAMME 3: CHILDREN’S RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q4 TargetDescription of progress made Performance Status Reason for Deviation Corrective measures Number of access to education and ECD programme conducted 21 The Awareness raising on ECD campaign was held in Diepsloot AchievedNone Number of Children’s Rights Machineries convened 31 The National Children’s Right Machinery was hosted on 27-28 March 2014 at Emperors Palace AchievedNone Number of capacity development initiated on the realization of children s rights 62 Capacity development sessions on the NPAC, M&E Framework conducted in the Western Cape and Kwazulu Natal on 6-7 February and 12-13 February 2014 AchievedNone 33
PROGRAMME 3: CHILDREN’S RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q4 TargetDescription of progress made Performance Status Reason for Deviation Corrective measures Child Friendly Cities/Communiti es model launched Child Friendly Cities/Communiti es model developed Child Friendly Cities/Commu nities model launched The Child Friendly Communities Framework refined and will be finalized in the first quarter of 2014/2015 financial year Not AchievedDeviated due to the intensive consultation and drafting of the Child Friendly Communities Framework The Child Friendly Communities Framework will be launched during the first quarter of 2014/2015 financial year M&E Strategy finalized Report on the implementatio n of the M&E Strategy provided Report on the implementation of the M&E Strategy produced AchievedNone 34
PROGRAMME 3: CHILDREN’S RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q4 TargetDescription of progress made Performanc e Status Reason for Deviation Corrective measures M&E data systems developed M&E data systems approved M&E data system piloted Ulwazi database and indicators piloted and refined with National Departments The system was demonstrated to the users during the Inter- Departmental meeting held on 05 March 2014 and the Children’s Rights Machinery on 27 March 2014 AchievedNone Number of status report on key child rights priorities 11 One status report in the form of a fact sheet on key child rights priorities was compiled. The report outlines progress made in 2013, what needs to be done better in 2014 and responsibilities of stakeholders Achieved 35
PROGRAMME 3: CHILDREN’S RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q TargetDescription of progress made Performance Status Reason for Deviation Corrective measures Number of Regional and international periodic reports produced and deposited 2 The AU- ACRWC & UNCRC reports finalized UN / AU Mock sessions approved A Mock Session / In -Country Dialogue between Government and Civil Society was approved and conducted during the Children’s Rights Machinery meeting held on 28 March 2014 at Emperor’s Palace, Kempton Park AchievedNone 36
PROGRAMME 3: PROGRESS MADE ON Q3 OUTSTANDING TARGETS Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q3 TargetDescription of progress made Performance Status Performance Information Child Friendly Cities/Commu nities model launched Child Friendly Cities/Communities model developed Child Friendly Cities/Communities model piloted The Piloting is planned to take place in the fourth quarter of 2013/14 financial year Not AchievedThe pilot will take place in the next financial year 2014/15 37
PROGRAMME 4: RIGHTS OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES The purpose of the Rights of People with Disabilities programme is to facilitate and report comprehensively on the translation of national and international Obligations into empowerment and socio-economic development programmes towards the realisation of the rights of people with disabilities and equalization of opportunities The figure below illustrate that out of 5 targets planned for the fourth quarter, Programme 4 (RPD) achieved 2 target (40%) and 3 targets (60%) were not achieved 38
PROGRAMME 4: COMPARISON FOR Q1 & Q2 FOR (RPD) The figure below illustrates that in the first quarter, Programme 4 achieved 1 targets out of 3 (33%) in the second quarter Programme 4 achieved 4 targets out of 6 planned targets (67%), in the third quarter Programme 4 achieved 1 targets out of 4 planned targets(33%) and in the fourth quarter Programme 4 achieved 2 targets out of 5 (40%) 39
PROGRAMME 4: FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE The figure below illustrates that out of the total planned budget projections of R13 775 million for the 4 th Quarter, the actual expenditure was R11 070 million, with an under expenditure R2 705 million. Therefore Programme 4 has spent 80% of its budget for the 4 th Quarter 40
PROGRAMME 4: RIGHTS OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIE S Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q4 TargetDescription of progress made Performance Status Reason for Deviation Corrective measures Number of Disability Rights Campaigns coordinated 51-Not Achieved No capacity Improve capacity by ensuring that appropriate expertise are employed Transversal Policy and legislation to promote,protect and uphold the rights of people with disabilities in place Draft National Disability Policy (NDP) developed Draft NDP developed Draft NDRP developed by consolidating information received during consultative period Achieved None Draft Universal Access (UA) Framework finalized Draft Universal Access (UA) Framework finalised Draft UA Framework finalized -Not AchievedDelays in contracting technical expertise by the OHCHR The project is rolled over to 2014/15 as an integral component of the NDRP 41
PROGRAMME 4: RIGHTS OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q4 TargetDescription of progress made Performance Status Reason for Deviation Corrective measures Number of transversal projects that mainstream disability considerations supported 61 Two engagement meetings were held with UNISA Inclusive Education Department on the development of training material for the Pontsho Disability Care centre in Kgureng for children with intellectual disabilities, caregivers and parents Rolled out training on 12 and 13 March 2014 Achieved None 42
PROGRAMME 4: RIGHTS OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q4 TargetDescription of progress made DeviationReason for Deviation Corrective measures Number of Reports on the Status of People with Disabilities published 61The targets is not achieved Not AchievedSlow response in submission of authorized responses from selected government departments and public entities A National Disability Rights Machinery meeting was convened from the 5-6 March 2014 to strengthen content for the report and the target will be achieved in the 1 st Quarter of the 2014/15 financial year 43
PROGRAMME 4: PROGRESS MADE ON Q3 OUTSTANDING TARGETS Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q3 Target Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Performance Status Progress Information Number of transversal projects that mainstream disability considerations supported 6 2 Project 1: Mainstreaming Disability Considerations on Comprehensive Rural Development Programmes Sites Unavailability of Special Schools during October/ November 2013 due to year end exams and school holidays, The targets will be achieved in the 4 th Quarter Not Achieved Project 2: CSI as Economic Empowerment Vehicle The model developed at Forest Town will be shared with special schools with similar scholar profiles during the 4 th Quarter 44
PROGRAMME 4: PROGRESS MADE ON Q3 OUTSTANDING TARGETS Performance Indicator Annual Target 2013 / 14 Q3 Target Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Performance Status Progress Information Number of Reports on the Status of People with Disabilities published 6(2) Status on Adequate Standard of Living for Person with disabilities Report on the Status of Learners with Disabilities enrolled in special School The report will be published in the 3 rd Quarter Not Achieved A National Disability Rights Machinery meeting was convened from the 5-6 March 2014 to strengthen content for the report. And the target will be achieved in the 1st Quarter of the 2014/15 financial year 45
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