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Root nodule bacteria Tomoki Kawabata Maria Shimada.

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Presentation on theme: "Root nodule bacteria Tomoki Kawabata Maria Shimada."— Presentation transcript:

1 Root nodule bacteria Tomoki Kawabata Maria Shimada

2 Abstract efficiently producing rhizobia Gives nutrients to the soil

3 Test 1 white clover seeds

4 Test 1 ( 2) Conditions ① Agar medium ② Murashige and Skoog medium ③ Murashige and Skoog medium with sucrose

5 Test 1 Result

6 Test 1 Consideration White clovers were not sterilized enough Murashige and Skoog medium were contaminated

7 Test 1 consideration White clover planted in Agar medium stopped growing two days after being planted. Agar media gradually lost their nutrition

8 Test 2 Study roots extension and the number of root nodules

9 Test 2 (1) Plants use the seeds of the white clover whose root extended

10 Test 2 ① HYPONeX + water ② HYPONeX + Mamezo ③ HYPONeX + Root nodule bacteria extract (2) Consideration

11 Test 2

12 (3) Conditions Conditions were the same as Test 1

13 Test 2 Result/Consideration HYPONeX lowers the density of it There were no plants growing on the root nodule at all.

14 Test 3 relationship between extension of roots and root nodules I studied the extension of the root and its relationship with the number of plants growing on the root nodule

15 Test 3 (1) Plant Use the White clover seeds

16 Test3 (2) Conditions ① water ② MAMEZO solutions ③ Root nodule bacteria extract

17 Test 3 (3) Conditions Conditions were the same as test 1

18 Test 3 Result

19 実験Ⅲの結果

20 Test 3 Consideration Azospirillum bacteria in Mamezo synthesized Auxin promoted the extension of ② roots

21 Test 3 Consideration The nodule growth The nodules stopped growing and adding the root nodules

22 Thank you for listening

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