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Warm Up: What is globalization? World History/ Geography 01/06/2016 Objective: SWBAT identify the events that lead to early globalization including the.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up: What is globalization? World History/ Geography 01/06/2016 Objective: SWBAT identify the events that lead to early globalization including the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up: What is globalization? World History/ Geography 01/06/2016 Objective: SWBAT identify the events that lead to early globalization including the Age of Exploration, the Columbian Exchange, and the Triangular Trade. Standards: H.2.b; H.2.c

2 Economic Networks and Exchange Origins of Globalization Early trade routes The Age of Exploration The Columbian Exchange Triangular Trade Industrial Revolution Cause and effect Technological innovations Economic Systems Communism, socialism, capitalism, mercantilism The Effects of Globalization Causes and effects of globalization and trade Trade policies

3 Globalization The process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations driven by international trade and aided by information technology. Widespread global interdependence

4 The Origins of Globalization The Age of Exploration: early 15th century-17th century time when Europeans began exploring the world by sea in search of trading partners, new goods, and new trade routes. Motives for exploration To find a new route for the spice and silk trades Search for silver and gold learn more about the world oCartographer-mapmaker Gold Glory God!!!!!!!! Explorers Portugal-goal to discover a trade route to West Africa without having to go through the Sahara Desert (sailed east) Spain-find a trade route to Asia by sailing west

5 The Origins of Globalization The Columbian Exchange The transatlantic trade of crops, technology, and culture between the Old World and the New World Old World- Europe, Asia, and Africa New World- The Americas The Spaniards First Old World explorers to settle in New World Colubus-1492 oHonor, fortune, and fame oSpread Catholicism oFaster trade route to Asia (Competition with Portugal) Impact Native Americans- Smallpox, typhus, measles and other deadly diseases Europeans- Competition for wealth and land Mercantilism- An economic policy in which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought

6 The Origins of Globalization Triangular Trade: Pattern of trade that connected Europe, Africa and Asia, and the American continents (Late1400’s to mid 1700’s)

7 The Origins of Globalization Triangular Trade: Route First leg-European ships brought goods(guns, cloth, money) to Africa to exchange for slaves Middle Passage-Slaves transported to Americas in exchange for sugar, molasses, and other products manufactured on European plantations Final leg-Sugar, cotton, and other products were traded for colonial goods(furs, fish, rum) then shipped to Europe Slave Trade Enslaved Africans sold as slaves by European traders Sugar- Native American population could not provide labor needed for growing sugar demand; Imported slaves to work on plantations 10 million slaves exported from early 16 th to late 19 th centuries Impact Increased warfare and population decline in Africa Dehumanizing effect of African Americans Extreme profit European traders Permanent European presence in Africa (South Africa, Mozambique)

8 The Origins of Globalization Exit: How does the Age of Exploration, the Columbian Exchange, and the Triangular Trade effect today’s economy? If we have time!

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