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WG 4 Policy Making and Managing Introduction Paolo Federighi Università di Firenze.

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Presentation on theme: "WG 4 Policy Making and Managing Introduction Paolo Federighi Università di Firenze."— Presentation transcript:

1 WG 4 Policy Making and Managing Introduction Paolo Federighi Università di Firenze

2 Why this field of professionalization 1.Public and private policies have a deep influence on the availability of learning opportunities (quantity and quality) 2.A transformative and critic approach to education of adults look to policy impact as potential outcome 3.ACE professionals in public and private sector play policy making functions

3 For whom a professionalization in PM&M Leader and Manager of adult education organizations Educators of adults

4 Which functions to be learned? 1. Policy Making to build solutions for the future, creating contexts and dynamics capable to influence the behavior of individuals and organizations 2. Policy Managing to manage information, implementation, evaluation, transformation of policies

5 Different approaches to competence development in policy field 1.Instrumentalism education of adults as tool to fulfill “other” goals and policy as art of consensus building 2.Separatism education of adult as a field of technology of education, to maintain separated from policy issues (micro VS macro) 3.“Scientific” Education of adults as outcome of “intelligent” policies, constructed –in part- in a scientific way

6 ?Key competencies in PM&M? 1.To Be aware and analyze organizational/ local/ regional/ national/ transnational policies affecting his/her job 2.To be able to manage policy measures to be introduced or implemented (goals, concepts, tools, resources,…) 3.Policy measure evaluation (results/impact) 4.Forecast policy goals

7 WS Structure 3th May Mutual exchange on situation, strategies, transferability Inputs (10-20 min) Discussion Preparing the presentation of the WS results (30’) Presentation 4 th May (10’) 4 th May Developing perspectives and recommendations Inputs Discussion Preparing the presentation of the WS results (30’) Presentation 5 th May (10’)

8 Draft for Recommendations 1.Policy learning for policy M&M have to be a part of the key competences to be guarantee for ACE Actors 2.Common core competences in Policy M&M for ACE Actors have to be adopted by training suppliers defining minimal standards for each professional group of ACE Actors 3.Comparative research and common European sources of information on LLL policies (features and impact) have to be available to support high quality ACEA Training

9 Recommendation 2 4. Benchmarking among training centers and Universities involved in ACEA have to be promoted at national and European level. The European Association of Universities should be committed in this task 5 ….

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