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C OURSE S ELECTION P LANNING PE Trudeau HS Students Entering Grade 10.

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2 C OURSE S ELECTION P LANNING PE Trudeau HS Students Entering Grade 10

3 D ECISIONS, D ECISIONS, D ECISIONS You will submit electronically and a paper copy to your homeroom teacher Due date is: FEBRUARY 19, 2019

4 C OURSE S ELECTIONS R EQUIRE P LANNING Choose Wisely! Seek Advice! YOUR course selections determine the timetable!

5 F ULL T IME S TUDENT S TATUS In Grade 10 students are required to carry eight courses (4 per semester)

6 D IPLOMA R EQUIREMENTS O.S.S.D 18 Compulsory Credits 12 Optional Credits Successful completion of Ontario School Literacy Test 40 hours of Community Involvement

7 18 C OMPULSORY C REDITS 4Credits in English (1 credit per grade) 1Credit in French as a Second Language 3Credits in Mathematics (at least 1 in Gr. 11 or 12) 2Credits in Science 1Credit in Canadian History 1Credit in Canadian Geography 1Credit in the Arts 1Credit in Health and Physical Education.5Credit in Civics &.5 Credit in Career Studies (grade 10) Plus………..

8 C OMPULSORY C REDITS ( CONT ’ D ) Group 1: English (including the OSSLC), French as a second language, classical languages, international languages, Native languages, Canadian and world studies, Native studies, social sciences and humanities, guidance and career education, cooperative education. Group 2: French as a second language, the arts, business studies, health and physical education, cooperative education Group 3: French as a second language, science(grade 11 or 12), computer studies, technological education, cooperative education

9 G RADE 10 C OURSE S ELECTION ~ E NGLISH P ROGRAM English Mathematics Science History Civics and Careers Plus 3 additional courses

10 G RADE 10 C OURSE S ELECTION ~ F RENCH I MMERSION English Mathematics Science Français (academic or applied) Histoire (academic or applied) Citoyenneté /Explorations des Choix de Carrières Plus two additional courses

11 T RACKING D IPLOMA R EQUIREMENTS Refer to your Credit Counselling Summary Use the Educational Planning Chart available on line with the course selection for Pierre Elliott Trudeau H.S.


13 C OURSE T YPES IN G R. 11/12 C – college destination E – workplace destination M – university/college U – university destination O – open

14 Course Prerequisites for Grade 11 course types Consult the Regional Calendar Ministry Documents Local Course Calendar

15 Compulsory Subjects (18 required) Required Credits Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade12 French1¤ French English4¤ English Mathematics3¤ Mathematics Science2¤ Science Canadian Geography (Grade 9)1¤ Geography Physical and Health Education1¤ Phys. Ed. Arts (music, art, or drama)1¤ Canadian History (Grade 10)1¤ History Civics (Grade 10)0.5¤ Civics Career Studies (Grade 10)0.5¤ Careers 3 additional compulsory credits (see below) 3¤1 to complete timetable Optional Credits Required12 Minimum Credits for OSSD30Total (8) Total (7) E NGLISH P ROGRAM

16 Compulsory Subjects (18 required) Required Credits Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade12 French Immersion¤ French Immersion* English4¤ English Mathematics3¤ Mathematics Science2¤ Science Canadian Geography (Grade 9)1¤ Geography* Physical and Health Education1¤ Phys. Ed. Arts (music, art, or drama)1¤ Canadian History (Grade 10)1¤ History* Civics (Grade 10)0.5¤ Civics* Career Studies (Grade 10)0.5¤ Careers* 3 additional compulsory credits (see below) 3¤ Optional Credits Required12 Minimum Credits for OSSD30Total (8) Total (7) F RENCH I MMERSION P ROGRAM

17 New Courses Grade 11 Visual Arts for French Immersion, AVI 3M1 (Arts – Visual Arts) Grade 11 Visual Arts - Ceramics, AWC 3O1 (Arts - Visual Arts) Grade 12 Visual Arts - Painting, AWN 4M1 (Arts - Visual Arts) Grade 12 World History Since the Fifteenth Century for French Immersion, CHY 4UF (History) Grade 11 Media Arts for French Immersion EMS 3OF (English)

18 New Courses Beginner’s Mandarin, LKMBD1 (Modern and International Languages) Grade 12 Recreation and Healthy Active Living Leadership for French Immersion, PLF 4MF (Physical Education) Grade 12 Technological Design in the Twenty-First Century, TDJ 401 (Technology) Grade 11 Computer Engineering Technology, TEJ 3M1 (Computer Studies) Grade 11 Hairstyling and Aesthetics, TXJ 3E1 (Technology)

19 L OOKING A HEAD : P REREQUISITE P LANNING Courses in Grade 11 & 12 may have prerequisites Be sure to check the course calendar for specific prerequisites Fill this information into your Course Planner to inform your selections

20 What is the IPP? A web-based Individual Pathways Plan – accessible on any computer or smart phone. A planning tool which documents your education and career and life plans A tool to help students explore and develop pathway planning

21 SCHOOL Work College Apprenticeship University International Travel/Educ’n Which path will you choose? Community Living P ATHWAYS TO O PPORTUNITY

22 Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) Business and pending Ministry Approval Health and Wellness

23 Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) At Trudeau the SHSM Programs are Business sector Health and Wellness Arts and Culture For more information contact SHSM Coordinators, Mr. Annett or Ms. Diep in Guidance

24 L OOKING A HEAD : A DVANCED P LACEMENT Designed for highly motivated students Achievement – earn credit or advanced placement at University Preparation – develop better study habits, improve writing skills, sharpen problem solving skills Confidence – tackle academic challenges

25 A DVANCED P LACEMENT C OURSES ENG3UE ~ Language and Composition ENG4UE ~ Literature and Composition FIF4UE ~ French Immersion MCV4UE ~ Calculus AB SCH4UE ~ Chemistry Pre-AP/Enriched MCR3UE - Functions SCH3UE - Chemistry

26 L OOKING A HEAD : C OOPERATIVE E DUCATION This program is for students going to university, college, apprenticeship or work. Allows students to earn grade 11 or 12 credits in a workplace setting while exploring a career of their choice. Two co-op credits can be counted towards the compulsory groups. CO-OP Office, Room 109

27 L OOKING A HEAD : A PPRENTICESHIP & S KILLED TRADES D ESTINATION The OYAP program – students earn high school credits and hours towards their apprenticeship in a trade. For more information, contact Co-op

28 Selecting Courses Online C LICK ON : “G RADE 6-12… COURSE PLANNER ”

29 L OG I N TO Y OUR C OURSE P LANNER Enter Your Student Number First time you login, your password is your birthday. If you have changed your password last year, it will be what you changed it to.

30 Choose courses

31 Select year 10

32 A LTERNATE C OURSES You must choose 2 Alternate courses ▫ Choose these in the same way you choose the Elective courses ▫ Your Alternates WILL be used if your Elective courses do not work in your timetable – CHOOSE WISELY!!!

33 Other Credit

34 “O THER C REDIT ” B OX On the planner there is a box labelled “Other Credit” Use this if you PLAN on taking a course at summer school Y OU ARE NOT REGISTERED FOR S UMMER S CHOOL You will still need to register in April/May

35 S UBMITTING Y OUR C OURSE S ELECTION Click the “SUBMIT” button to submit the courses Print your selections and have them signed by your parent or guardian Hand in to your homeroom teacher DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 19, 2016

36 N EED H ELP ? Please see a Guidance Counsellor! Go and see the online tutorial GOOD LUCK!!

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