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Officers and Ranks in the Roman Army. The Ordinary Legionary Soldier Miles.

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Presentation on theme: "Officers and Ranks in the Roman Army. The Ordinary Legionary Soldier Miles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Officers and Ranks in the Roman Army

2 The Ordinary Legionary Soldier Miles

3 The Duty Officer Tesserarius

4 The Centurion’s Assistant Optio

5 The Centurion Centurio Primus Pilus

6 The Standard Bearer Signifer

7 The Horn Player Cornicen

8 The Flag Bearer Vexillarius

9 The Junior Tribunes Tribuni angusticlavii

10 The Senior Tribune Tribunus laticlavius

11 The Eagle Bearer Aquilifer

12 The Commander of the Camp Praefectus castrorum

13 The General of the Legion Legatus

14 The Governor of the Province Legatus Augusti Propraetor

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