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ETHICS, COMMUNICATION & LEADERSHIP A Fireside Chat with Long Beach Boys & Girls Club Leadership 2010.

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2 ETHICS, COMMUNICATION & LEADERSHIP A Fireside Chat with Long Beach Boys & Girls Club Leadership 2010

3 ETHICS Defined as: The discipline dealing with what is good & bad and right & wrong or with moral duty and obligation A group of moral principles or set of values According to the Webster Dictionary, ethics is the system or code of morals of a particular person, religion, group, or profession.

4 ETHICS Ethics are subject to personal interpretation. Two people may not view the same ethical issue the same way. For instance, Joe may think that Bill's behavior is unethical, but Sally may not think that Bill is acting unethical at all.

5 ETHICS Ethical issues are not legal issues. Legal issues have documented definitions (laws) with specific consequences if the laws are broken. Ethical issues are guidelines set by a specific group of people with no real documented definitions of what is right and what is wrong. Individuals can choose if they wish to follow the ethical guidelines or not.

6 ETHICS ETHICS & THE JOB Doing things right Doing the right thing Not Putting People in Harms Way Not breaking the Law


8 ETHICS OPERATIONAL ETHICS Doing the right thing Doing things right Doing the clubs/company a favor????? Think Again!!!!!!

9 ETHICS FINANCIAL ETHICS Doing the right thing Doing things right Doing the clubs/company a favor????? Think Again!!!!!!

10 ETHICS YOUR JOB & ETHICS Can or Do You Sleep Well? Full Communication Skills Professional Discussion Outlets Backing from the Organization Utilization of all the Resources at your Disposal

11 Ethics: What’s the Fuss?

12 When evaluating one’s goals and objectives, a vital question must be asked: What is your highest aspiration? A. Wealth B. Fame C. Knowledge D. Popularity E. Integrity

13 If integrity is second to any of the alternatives, then it is subject to sacrifice in situations where a choice must be made. Such situations will inevitably occur in every person’s life.

14 Why talk about ethics? In the aftermath of major corporate failures and questionable accounting practices, G. Peter Wilson said that in the classroom, educators need to increasingly emphasize the value of integrity, what has long been a mainstay of accountants’ reputation

15 In a recent Wall Street Journal article, Psychology professor Steven Davis says that cheating by high school students has increased from about 20 percent in the 1940’s to 75 percent today. “Students say cheating in high school is for grades, cheating in college is for a career.”

16 If students lack ethics in high school and college, then there should be little surprise that they lack ethics in their careers. Greed and over-reaching ambition often end in disastrous personal consequences. Convicted inside trader, Dennis Levine, in a Fortune magazine article wrote about his children: “I have painful memories of Sarah learning to walk in a prison visiting room, and of Adam pleading with a guard who wouldn’t let him bring in a Mickey Mouse coloring book.”

17 "We Will Not Lie, Steal Or Cheat, Nor Tolerate Among Us Anyone Who Does" -- Which do you think is the harder part: Line 1 or Line 2? Why? Educational Institutions have established ethics codes for their students, e.g. the U.S. Air Force Academy:

18 American Institute of CPAs Code of Professional Conduct, Principles Article I: In carrying out their responsibilities as professionals, members should exercise sensitive professional and moral judgments in all their activities.

19 Is there an ethics crisis in America? One recent national election day poll indicated that 56 percent of voters thought that America’s problems are “primarily moral and social.” Only 36 percent thought that the nation’s problems were “primarily economic.”

20 “In the quest for educational reform, we would do well to turn not only to the great books, but the great exemplars of wisdom with which our country is blessed. To help reclaim our destiny as human beings and citizens, we need to rediscover the generation that really can claim to be the best and the brightest in American history, at least from the moral and political point of view: the founders of the American Republic.” --Professor C.R. Kesler

21 Where Do We Start? Upon What Can We Agree?

22 Whether we derive a code of ethics from religious beliefs, a study of history and literature, or personal experience and observation: We can all agree upon some basic values.

23 A nation or a culture cannot endure for long unless it is undergirded by common values such as valor, public spiritedness, respect for others and for the law; It cannot stand unless it is populated by people who will act on the motives superior to their own immediate interest. Chuck Colson, Against the Night

24 When the situation needs improvement, Gandhi offers guidance: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

25 Michael Josephson describes the Ten Universal Values: “Honesty, integrity, promise keeping, fidelity, fairness, caring, respect for others, responsible citizenship, pursuit of excellence, and accountability.”

26 If we want to produce people who share the values of a democratic culture, they must be taught those values and not be left to acquire them by chance. Cal Thomas, The Death of Ethics in America

27 Can you make a difference?

28 “To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.” Abraham Lincoln Do you think this relates to line 2 of the U.S.A.F. Academy Code of Honor?

29 "We Will Not Lie, Steal Or Cheat, Nor Tolerate Among Us Anyone Who Does" -- Which do you think is the harder part: Line 1 or Line 2? Why? Educational Institutions have established ethics codes for their students, e.g. the U.S. Air Force Academy:

30 “To see what is right and not to do it is want of courage.” (Confucius)

31 The reputation of a thousand years may be determined by the conduct of one hour. Japanese proverb

32 At the Congressional Hearing on Business Ethics in July 2002, Truett Cathy, the Founder of Chick-Fil-A quoted Proverbs 22:1 – "A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold." The truth is that fame and fortune are nothing compared to personal honor.

33 President Lincoln said: Honor is better than honors.

34 Communication is very important!!!

35 Communication THE PRIMARY TOOL

36 Communication Importance Where learned? How often critiqued / practiced?

37 Communication How Good Communicators spend time! Listening55% Speaking25% Writing20%

38 Communication Nonverbal portion of message = 55%  “Body language” includes Posture Eye contact Facial expression Clothing Position Proximity Hand gestures.

39 Communication Barriers  Cultural/Social Language Rank Ego Religion Race Gender Others?  Physical Noise Distance Darkness/Visibility Separation Others? Recognition of Barriers is IMPORTANT

40 Leadership Expression of Doubt  It is OK to make mistakes  It is OK to feel stress  It is OK to be unsure Authority vs. Assertiveness  Challenge and Response Q. Should we reward people who make mistakes?

41 Leadership Respect isEarned not Demanded “Respect is Earned not Demanded”

42 Leadership One of the Important Life Skills Topics to cover: Where and How it is learned? What are the different styles?

43 Leadership Leadership Styles  Autocratic (I will)  Benevolent/Autocratic (I’ll ask but I still will)  Consultative (I’ll ask many and I still may)  Participative (I’ll ask for input and value it)  Democratic (I’ll put it to a vote/consensus)  Permissive (I’ll go back to my business now)

44 Leadership  What is your style?  Be aware that styles can with changing circumstances. As a general rule the best style is a mix of participative and democratic.  Think back to a person who you enjoyed working for, admired, and found to be an effective leader. Chances are the style that person practiced was one that let you do your job.  Practice participative/democratic leadership whenever possible.


46 Discussion & Questions

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