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Urban American Section 6.2 Urbanization(Appleby 222-227)

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Presentation on theme: "Urban American Section 6.2 Urbanization(Appleby 222-227)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Urban American Section 6.2 Urbanization(Appleby 222-227)

2 Today’s Agenda Quiz Friday!! Review what we know Section 6.2 (Appleby 222- 227) George Bellows Presentation Riis and Hine Presentation tomorrow Homework Read 222-227 of etextbook

3 Things to know for the Quiz Political Spectrum (characteristics of Revolutionary, Liberal, Conservative, Reactionary Industrial Revolution Laissez-faire (Adam Smith), xenophobia, Brooklyn Bridge, Louis Sullivan, social Darwinism, conspicuous consumption, gilded

4 Review Describe America before the Industrial Revolution. How did America demonstrate its greatness around 1900? Examples. What did it gild? Define conspicuous consumption. What is nouveu riches? What is laissez-faire? Who was Charles Darwin? Who was William Graham Sumner? What is the Gospel of Wealth? Which side of the political spectrum is the government on in 1900?

5 We learned about how immigrants who came to America seeking the American Dream. What was life like for them? In what environment did they find themselves?

6 What caused America to urbanize? Technology –Train, Electric trolley car allowed cities to expand –Steam powered engines Factories moved to cities –Mechanization & Automation machines replaced manual labor, animals, skilled craftsmen Employment –Where the jobs were (factories) Creature Comforts –Entertainment, stores, electricity, indoor plumbing Immigration (25 million) (1890-WWI) Urbanization Transformation of population from country to city dwellers

7 Urban Crime 24-28 min

8 Poverty/Crime –Jobs paid too little to support family $445 annually –Often required entire family to work –No gov. “safety nets” –Gambling, extortion, prostitution ubiquitous Inadequate services –Few Police, Firefighters not reliable –Inadequate sanitation system –Raw sewage, manure and trash thrown –Unsafe drinking water Overcrowded Conditions –40 thousand in 17 block area of Little Italy –Tenement apartments packed What problems did new immigrants face?

9 Urban Conditions 31-34:13

10 What is a tenement? Overcrowded apartment building brick building from four to six stories high 1 bathroom shared by multiple families Often had a liquor store on 1 st floor Known for squalid, unhealthy conditions


12 Describe the conditions of the slums. High murder rate High rate of alcoholism High infant/child mortality rate –Nearly 7 out of 10 died by age 5 Rats, trash, smell ubiquitous Both parents and children over 5 worked from 6 AM to 8 or 9 PM 6 days a week

13 Describe the political corruption that emerged as a result of urbanization. Political Machines –Organization that controlled jobs, contracts, city services by corruptly influencing elections & government –Used police or gangs to instill fear –Provided jobs & protection to poor in return for votes Tammany Hall Most infamous political machine in NY –George Washington Plunkitt Member of NY State Assembly Used inside information to make huge profits on real estate

14 Define Muckraker and describe their methods. Investigative journalists who exposed the “dirt” of society Wanted to raise the consciousness of middle class Photojournalism –Used photography to graphically expose conditions in tenements, factories

15 Hine and Riis presentations

16 Urban Conditions 28-34

17 Who was Jacob Riis? Immigrant from Denmark So poor he often lodged at police station Got job as photographer covering police activities Became a Muckraker Published How the Other Half Lives –"poor were the victims rather than the makers of their fate“ –Sold 28 million copies Wanted to make middle class aware of abject poverty, condition of cities in America Results –Tenements closed –Indoor plumbing becomes commonplace in NYC –Schools forced to install playgrounds

18 What words come to mind when you see these photographs? Jacob Riis, Bandits' Roost (1890) Jacob Riis, Children sleeping in Mulberry Street (1890)








26 Who was Lewis Hine? A Muckraker Pioneer of documentary photography Focused of Child Labor Careful not to exaggerate photos Posed as fire inspector to get access to factories Led to Keating-Owen Act (1916) –Placed limits on employment of children under 14 in factories and shops







33 Hypothesize about the public’s reaction to the to the photos.

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