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Today’s Strategy: Making Connections Application: The ____________ in this book reminds me of _____________. Example: The vacation described in this this.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Strategy: Making Connections Application: The ____________ in this book reminds me of _____________. Example: The vacation described in this this."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Strategy: Making Connections Application: The ____________ in this book reminds me of _____________. Example: The vacation described in this this book reminds me of what it’s like to travel with my family.

2 Today’s Strategy: Determining Important Ideas Application: The theme (or big idea) of this book is __________ because ____________. Example: The theme (or big idea) of this book is speaking your mind and being honest because Chelsea Handler writes about exactly what she’s thinking, even if it’s rude or inappropriate.

3 Today’s Strategy: Asking Questions Application: One question that I have about my book is ____________. Example: One question that I have about my book is: “How does Chelsea Handler come up with these crazy scenarios?”

4 Today’s Strategy: Visualizing Application: As I was reading, I was able to picture __________ in my mind. One detail that helped me visualize was ____________. Example: As I was reading, I was able to picture a helicopter landing on the roof next to a wedding in my mind. One detail that helped me visualize was the description of the noise the helicopter was making.

5 Today’s Strategy: Synthesizing Application: Before I read, I thought _____________ because ____________. Now that I’ve read, I think _____________ because ____________. Example: Before I read, I thought that Chelsea Handler was hilarious because I watch her show, Chelsea Lately. Now that I’ve read, I think she’s a great writer because I wanted to laugh out loud as I was reading.

6 Today’s Strategy: Drawing Inferences Application: I expect _________ to happen next because ____________. Example: I expect someone to be arrested next because this book is all about the outrageous pranks that Chelsea Handler pulls on her friends.

7 Today’s Strategy: Repairing Understanding Application: I was confused about _________because ____________. But now, I understand that _____________. Example: I was confused about the way that people continue to fall for Chelsea’s pranks because she’s constantly humiliating her friends. But now, I understand that people want to trust her, and they keep giving her the benefit of the doubt.

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