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Name (first and LAST ) ______________________________ SS PERIOD _____ Enlightenment/Scientific Revolution Open-book Quiz.

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2 Name (first and LAST ) ______________________________ SS PERIOD _____ Enlightenment/Scientific Revolution Open-book Quiz

3 Part I Fill in the blank with the best word to complete the statement. +9 points each (90 points) HumanismHeliocentricGeocentric Urban Scientific Revolution 1) The ___________________ encouraged learning and creativity and prompted new inventions. 2) The belief that people were also important is ___________________. 3) Living in a city setting is called ________. 4) Believing the EARTH is the center of the solar system (and universe) is ___________________. 5) Believing that the SUN is the center of the solar system is ______________________.

4 SecularOppressionCivil Salon Satire 6) Using “humor” and sarcasm to criticize the government is called _____________________. 7) A place to gather to discuss and share new ideas was called a ___________________. 8) Ideas about citizenship and rights in a civilization are referred to as ________________. 9) To remain separate from religion, church, or spirituality is called __________________. 10) Denying basic rights in an attempt to keep people “down” is called _____________________.

5 Part II +10 points SHORT ANSWERS Here’s a little formula to think about… (Indent) In sentence #1 identify your position and explain what it is. In sentences #2 and #3 elaborate on an example of what you mean. In sentence #4 explain the effect it had. Use at least two vocabulary words, specific names or details and underline them so I can be sure to give you full credit. Check the rubric so you are sure to get all the points you can. RUBRICNot enough + 0Somewhat +1Sufficient +2 PART II Proper indent, grammar, mechanics, punctuation, conventions Actuate reason Elaboration and details Explanation of effect Use of two specific content and vocab.

6 Here’s MY example of a famous enlightenment or scientific thinker, BUT you cannot use it. (Sorry!) Lady Godiva was a real enlightenment figure, who was a generous woman. When her husband, Leofric, Earl of Mercia, imposed heavy taxes on his subjects she protested these high taxes and stood up for the people until he decided to be more fair. She rode all through the town of Coventry encouraging people to stay home from work until the Earl reformed his tax edict. The legend that she rode naked and her long hair modestly covered her nudity is untrue, but makes for a great story. Her ideas that taxes should be fair, and people had the power to make decisions about their government, however, inspired European peasants to rise up for better treatment and more rights, transforming Europe into a fairer and more enlightened place.

7 Now it’s your turn! In a short paragraph, using full sentences, identify one PHILOSOPHER (great thinker) or ENLIGHTENMENT leader and explain HOW his/her idea(s) transformed Europe and WHY the reforms were important. (Remember to underline your two best vocabulary terms.) RUBRICNot enough + 0Somewhat +1Sufficient +2 PART II Proper indent, grammar, mechanics, punctuation, conventions Actuate reason Elaboration and details Explanation of effect Use of two specific content and vocab.

8 Make sure your first and LAST name and SS period is on your test! Thank you for doing the best you can! Please return the computer to its neat position, push in your chair, and return to class. Remember to thank the library staff, and be excellent in the hallway. If you have to go to the bathroom, stop in quietly on your way back!

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