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Panha Chiet University

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1 Panha Chiet University

2 unit 7: Eating out Vocabulary: Adjectives to describe restaurants and food. Grammar: too, enough Speaking: describing and giving opinions about food and restaurants.

3 Getting Started write the words from the box in the chart.
Hot Indifferent Salty Low-fat Nutritious Polite Romantic Spicy sweet Bland Casual Courteous Elegant Formal Greasy Healthful Rude sour

4 A: this looks like a nice restaurant. It’s very elegant.
Pairs: Discuss the restaurants in the photos and the foods you see. Use as many adjectives from exercise 1 as you can. Which restaurants and foods do you like? A: this looks like a nice restaurant. It’s very elegant. B:It’s nice, but I prefer more casual places, like this one. A: what about the food? What’s your favorite type of food?

5 Reading: Groups of 3. what is your favorite restaurant? Why?
Read the restaurant review. Is the review of the décor, service, and food favorable or negative?

6 Pairs. Read the review again and answer the questions.
What is wrong with the main menu at the palm? What did the reviewer think of the appetizers? Would you go to this restaurant after reading the review? Why or why not?

7 Grammar focus Study examples with enough/ not enough and too.
This room is quiet enough for a business meeting. The appetizer was too spicy for some people. There isn’t enough variety in the dessert menu.

8 Note: The adjective goes before / after too.
The adjective goes before / after enough. The noun goes before / after enough.

9 Groups of 4 Think of a restaurant or café near your school. What do you like about the place? Why?

10 Thanks for your being attended.
Good luck for your life.

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