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Turning Yellow into Green Mid Atlantic States Expo.

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1 Turning Yellow into Green Mid Atlantic States Expo

2 Turning Yellow into Green Download a PDF of this presentation at Download a PDF of this presentation at

3 Source: Universal McCann, May, 2005 Advertising Revenues 2004 Billions $$ $52.2 $46.6$46.3 $21.5$21.4 $14.0 $6.9 $5.8

4 The Yellow Page Business Nationally a $14 billion dollar business 86% from Baby Bell’s and incumbents –Down from 96% in 1995 –Small % of revenue, large share of profits Hundreds of small and mid-size competitors Nationally a $14 billion dollar business 86% from Baby Bell’s and incumbents –Down from 96% in 1995 –Small % of revenue, large share of profits Hundreds of small and mid-size competitors

5 $264B = Total US ad spending in 2004 –5.3% increase over 2003 Yellow Pages grew.08% to $14.B –Slowest growth rate of any US media Yellow Pages share of total media was 5.3% –Down from 5.7% in 2003 $264B = Total US ad spending in 2004 –5.3% increase over 2003 Yellow Pages grew.08% to $14.B –Slowest growth rate of any US media Yellow Pages share of total media was 5.3% –Down from 5.7% in 2003 The Yellow Page Business

6 Most have inside and outside sales staffs –Insiders sell via phone to smaller businesses –Outsiders sell in person to larger businesses Large market: –40 insiders –12 outsiders Sellers paid salary and commission –Most income comes from selling larger ads Sellers are well trained –Minimum 4-10 weeks before first call Most have inside and outside sales staffs –Insiders sell via phone to smaller businesses –Outsiders sell in person to larger businesses Large market: –40 insiders –12 outsiders Sellers paid salary and commission –Most income comes from selling larger ads Sellers are well trained –Minimum 4-10 weeks before first call The Yellow Page Business

7 Look for gaps in current program –Maps, logos, products, web address, color, etc Get prospects to imagine people calling Ask for the appointment –“Let’s visit so we can get you more calls” Conduct a Client Needs Analysis Close at end of CNA or return w/ proposal Up-sell current customers Sell large ads and multiple listings Once closed, the seller moves on Look for gaps in current program –Maps, logos, products, web address, color, etc Get prospects to imagine people calling Ask for the appointment –“Let’s visit so we can get you more calls” Conduct a Client Needs Analysis Close at end of CNA or return w/ proposal Up-sell current customers Sell large ads and multiple listings Once closed, the seller moves on YP sellers are taught to… The Yellow Page Business

8 Large market selling window is 2-4 months –Can be as short as 10 days in small markets Closing is 2-6 months before distribution –Contracts signed and art submitted White page BOLD listings sold at different time Book closes, salespeople move to new market General timeline: –Advertising sales campaign –Order close date –Book closes –Book extract (proof) –Photo composition –Printing –Distribution Large market selling window is 2-4 months –Can be as short as 10 days in small markets Closing is 2-6 months before distribution –Contracts signed and art submitted White page BOLD listings sold at different time Book closes, salespeople move to new market General timeline: –Advertising sales campaign –Order close date –Book closes –Book extract (proof) –Photo composition –Printing –Distribution The Yellow Page Business

9 Sections of a Directory Residential Section Business Section Government Section Maps Consumer Guide Coupon Section Community Section Home Improvements White Pages

10 White Page Listings Listings are left justified and appear in alphabetical order Simple Listings are called Service Regular Listings (SRL) and are published at no charge

11 White Page Ads Bold Vanity Color Script Logo Banner Simple Caption Complex Caption

12 Consumer Yellow Pages Business to Business Types of Yellow Pages

13 Yellow Page Ads In-column Display

14 Yellow Page Ads

15 Color Display Color Menu Color Leader Yellow Page Ads Display

16 Yellow Page Ads In-column

17 Yellow Page Ads In-column

18 Yellow Pages On-Line Generally sold by existing staff What they’re selling: –Bold listings –Preferred placement –Links –Banners –Business cards Trying to partner with search companies Verizon SuperPages is #1 –15.4 million visits per month –63 million searches per month –166 million page views per month Generally sold by existing staff What they’re selling: –Bold listings –Preferred placement –Links –Banners –Business cards Trying to partner with search companies Verizon SuperPages is #1 –15.4 million visits per month –63 million searches per month –166 million page views per month






24 How They Position & Sell








32 Target Accounts – Segments Focus Critical Purchase Services Consumer has immediate need and little or no time for buying analysis  Appliance Repair  Auto Repair  Pest Control  Moving / Rental / Storage  Opticians  Water heaters  Windshield Replacement

33 How They Position & Sell Target Accounts – Segments Focus Considered Purchase Services Higher priced services in which consumers are like to engage in analysis  Airlines  Auto Rental and Leasing  Copy Machines & Supplies  Employment Contractors  Financial Services  Hotel  Insurance  Loans  Real Estate

34 How They Position & Sell

35 Local Information 2005 Closing Dates




39 Widespread : Almost every home and business in America (97%) has at least one copy of “the book.” Usage : 58%of all adults say they check the Yellow Pages at least once per week, with 76% using the book monthly. Reference Tool : Serve as a directional reference for consumers who already have decided to purchase a product or service. 50% don’t know from which business they will buy prior to looking in the directory. Emergency Reference : Consumers often rely on the Yellow Pages during emergency situations. Widespread : Almost every home and business in America (97%) has at least one copy of “the book.” Usage : 58%of all adults say they check the Yellow Pages at least once per week, with 76% using the book monthly. Reference Tool : Serve as a directional reference for consumers who already have decided to purchase a product or service. 50% don’t know from which business they will buy prior to looking in the directory. Emergency Reference : Consumers often rely on the Yellow Pages during emergency situations. Yellow Page Advantages

40 Yellow Page Disadvantages Limited Exposure : 42 %of U.S. adults 18+ will not see your Yellow Page ad. Consumer Awareness : Yellow Pages are consulted after the decision to buy has been made. You must create TOMA and demand for your products before the buying decision has been made. Ad Clutter : Your ad is lumped in with all your business competitors. Looking for information on your business may direct prospects to your competition. Inflexible : Most directories are published once a year. You can’t make corrections or changes resulting from dynamic business conditions or new opportunities. Limited Exposure : 42 %of U.S. adults 18+ will not see your Yellow Page ad. Consumer Awareness : Yellow Pages are consulted after the decision to buy has been made. You must create TOMA and demand for your products before the buying decision has been made. Ad Clutter : Your ad is lumped in with all your business competitors. Looking for information on your business may direct prospects to your competition. Inflexible : Most directories are published once a year. You can’t make corrections or changes resulting from dynamic business conditions or new opportunities.

41 Yellow Page Disadvantages Inconvenient : Phone books are big, bulky, hard to store, and not readily available to consumers outside of the home or office. Too Many Books : In many communities there are several different directories all soliciting for your listing. Who reads them all? Who needs them all? Encroaching Competition from the Internet : Yellow Pages-like services on the Internet are springing up; their supporters promise a more logical organization of data and the capability to update information more often. Inconvenient : Phone books are big, bulky, hard to store, and not readily available to consumers outside of the home or office. Too Many Books : In many communities there are several different directories all soliciting for your listing. Who reads them all? Who needs them all? Encroaching Competition from the Internet : Yellow Pages-like services on the Internet are springing up; their supporters promise a more logical organization of data and the capability to update information more often.

42 Yellow Page Disadvantages



45 Yellow Pages plus Radio Create demand and influence buyers before they decide to buy. and reinforce where they should buy once they have decided. Make copy revisions at your discretion to accommodate changes in your business. Increase your creative options, and you can generate maximum impact when you combine Yellow Pages with Broadcast. While your competition advertises only in the Yellow Pages, you can increase your top-of-mind awareness and greatly increase your market share. Broadcast can help you communicate the unique selling proposition of your business and help draw attention to your Yellow Pages ad. Create demand and influence buyers before they decide to buy. and reinforce where they should buy once they have decided. Make copy revisions at your discretion to accommodate changes in your business. Increase your creative options, and you can generate maximum impact when you combine Yellow Pages with Broadcast. While your competition advertises only in the Yellow Pages, you can increase your top-of-mind awareness and greatly increase your market share. Broadcast can help you communicate the unique selling proposition of your business and help draw attention to your Yellow Pages ad.

46 Up-sell current customers Sell large display –Larger add appear at the front on the category Sell full-color display –Color adds stand out from competition Sell multiple listings Sell integrated options (Internet) Up-sell current customers Sell large display –Larger add appear at the front on the category Sell full-color display –Color adds stand out from competition Sell multiple listings Sell integrated options (Internet) YP sellers are taught to… Their Approach

47 Continue to advertise in Yellow Pages Reduce costly large display adds Eliminate full-color ads Use in-column display –Place in multiple directories –Consider color background Create demand and awareness for your products and services with broadcast advertising Continue to advertise in Yellow Pages Reduce costly large display adds Eliminate full-color ads Use in-column display –Place in multiple directories –Consider color background Create demand and awareness for your products and services with broadcast advertising Our Suggestion

48 Turing Yellow into Green Thank you!

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