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Jun 2003 Craig Ogilvie 1 Landscape/Goals for R&D  Goal: Barrel+structure ready Summer/Fall 06 (run07)  Goal: Endcaps ready Summer/Fall 07 (run08)  RIKEN.

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Presentation on theme: "Jun 2003 Craig Ogilvie 1 Landscape/Goals for R&D  Goal: Barrel+structure ready Summer/Fall 06 (run07)  Goal: Endcaps ready Summer/Fall 07 (run08)  RIKEN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jun 2003 Craig Ogilvie 1 Landscape/Goals for R&D  Goal: Barrel+structure ready Summer/Fall 06 (run07)  Goal: Endcaps ready Summer/Fall 07 (run08)  RIKEN funds available 03, 04, 05  DOE construction funds –goal is FY05 –ambitious, requires proposal this Fall  Interest from PHENIX/France, funds?  Plan A, assume RIKEN/DOE construction funds  Plan B, assume DOE funds late, –use RIKEN funds to get partial barrel ready for run07 –not yet developed

2 Jun 2003 Craig Ogilvie 2 R&D Much ongoing effort, supported by  RIKEN, LANL LDRD, ISU university funds, SUNY-SB funds R&D Priorities JY03/(DOE early FY04)  pixel pilot and signal bus  pixel FEM  strip readout/FEM  ministrip readout DOE Later FY04 (when device better specified)  mechanical support/cooling

3 Jun 2003 Craig Ogilvie 3 R&D Funds Proposal ItemJY03JY04FY04FY05 Pixel Pilot50 9045 Pixel Bus50 Pixel FEM/DCM9045 Strip sensors60 Strip ROC+FEM *300100125 mini-strip ROC125 mini-strip sensors15 minis-strip pilot/assembly100 mechanical/cooling200150 overhead208140 Total460200853620 *Strip ROC total is $300K less than needed

4 Jun 2003 Craig Ogilvie 4 Plan A schedule barrel+support Calendar03 04 05 06 07 RIKEN $1M JY03$1M JY04$1M JY05 $3M FY05$2M FY06 DOE install run07 pixel assembly Build Structure/ladders Specify constraints Structure R&D hybrids pilot R&Dpilot proto =>fab FEM R&DFEM prod strip assembly ROC/FEM R&DROC/FEM proto => fab R&D FY04

5 Jun 2003 Craig Ogilvie 5 Plan A schedule endcaps Calendar04 05 06 07 08 $2M FY06$3M fY07 DOE install run08 ladder assembly Build ladders ladders R&D mini-strips pilot R&Dpilot proto =>fab FEM prod R&D FY05R&D FY04 mini-strips R&D

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