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Welcome to Year 1 Hawthorn. Class Teachers and other helpers Mrs. Zorenyi will lead a Phonics group Monday – Thursday afternoons. Mrs. Dawson will lead.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 1 Hawthorn. Class Teachers and other helpers Mrs. Zorenyi will lead a Phonics group Monday – Thursday afternoons. Mrs. Dawson will lead."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 1 Hawthorn

2 Class Teachers and other helpers Mrs. Zorenyi will lead a Phonics group Monday – Thursday afternoons. Mrs. Dawson will lead a Phonics group Monday – Thursday afternoons. She will also support children in year 1 for part of the afternoon from Monday – Thursday. On Tuesday mornings Mrs. Millburn will teach the class.

3 Timetable

4 Uniform  Please make sure that all your child’s clothes and belongings are named.  The children can wear either their summer or winter uniform until October half term but after this time they must be in winter uniform.  We would appreciate your support in ensuring the children wear their correct school uniform as outlined on the school website.  No jewellery of any kind should be worn, including earrings.  Children should wear suitable school shoes at all times – no trainers.  Please ensure that children have a warm coat during wet and/or cold weather.

5 P.E * The children will have a P.E lesson on Tuesday morning (indoor) and Thursday afternoon (outdoor). * Please leave P.E kits in school for half a term. We will send them home earlier if they get muddy! Indoor P.E Uniform – Blue shorts, blue St. Alban’s t- shirt, pumps. Outdoor P.E Uniform – Plain dark tracksuit top/fleece and jogging bottoms may be worn during the winter months along with their blue St. Albans’s t-shirt and trainers.

6 Curriculum R.E TopicsThemes Autumn 1: God’s Great PlanAutumn: Pirates Autumn 2: Mary Our Mother Spring 1: Families and CelebrationsSpring: Wildlife Spring 2: Following Jesus Summer 1: The ResurrectionSummer: The Victorians Summer 2: Miracles

7 Jigsaw Curriculum Overview Below is the year 1 curriculum overview for the whole school year. The termly curriculum overview will be updated on the class page.

8 Reading and Homework Expectations It is essential that your child reads to an adult, every day, for at least ten minutes. Please feel free to communicate with us, and comment on their reading, in their Reading Log book. The children will bring home two books with them each week. One will be a reading scheme book, levelled at the correct reading level for your child and the other will be a ‘free read’ chosen by your child. Homework will be set each Friday and will be handed in on Wednesday. We encourage children to take responsibility for their own homework, including remembering to hand it in on time. If there are any problems with homework please come and see us, immediately. Spellings will be set by your child’s phonics teacher and will be sent home each Wednesday and will be tested the following Monday.

9 Snacks Children are encouraged to bring in a named bottle of water to school. This will be kept in the classroom for them to access throughout the day. A school snack (fruit or veg) will be provided for morning breaks, but if you wish, your child can also bring in a healthy snack from home for the afternoon break.

10 Trips, Productions and Assemblies AUTUMN TERM Towards Christmas there will be a production in school by a visiting theatre company. We are hoping to put on our annual Christmas play and will keep you posted! SPRING TERM Class Assembly – Friday 4 th March 2016 We plan to organise a visitor/trip related to our topic, Wildlife. SUMMER TERM We plan to organise a trip related to our topic, The Victorians.

11 Website and contact Please regularly check the class pages on the school websites for dates, planning and photographs. - then click on the PARENTS tab, then follow the CLASS PAGES tab. Please call in to make an appointment with your child’s teacher if you have any concerns or if there is anything you would like to discuss.


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