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This is Development!!!!! 100 400 200 400 500 200 300 100 300 400 100 200 400 200 500 300 100 300 500 200 300 Effects Board 1 Let’s make like a fetus.

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Presentation on theme: "This is Development!!!!! 100 400 200 400 500 200 300 100 300 400 100 200 400 200 500 300 100 300 500 200 300 Effects Board 1 Let’s make like a fetus."— Presentation transcript:


2 This is Development!!!!!

3 100 400 200 400 500 200 300 100 300 400 100 200 400 200 500 300 100 300 500 200 300 Effects Board 1 Let’s make like a fetus and leave this mother Piag”A” You don’t know me… (wait.. Do I know me?) The Wrinkles of Time Who names their kid Erik Erikson?

4 100 200 300 400 500 Let’s make like a fetus and leave this mother Piag”A” You don’t know me… (wait.. Do I know me?) The Wrinkles of Time Real Question Board 2 Who names their kid Erik Erikson?

5 The stage of prenatal development that spans from 2 weeks to the end of the first trimester

6 Embryonic

7 The stage of prenatal development that spans from the end of the first trimester to birth

8 Fetal

9 These toxic substances and drugs can severely harm the development of an unborn child, especially if they cross the placenta during critical periods

10 Teratogens

11 During prenatal development, limbs form before fingers and toes. This is called ____________ development.

12 Proximodistal

13 During prenatal development, the head grows faster than the body. We call this _______________ development.

14 Cephalocaudal

15 Using an existing schema to understand new information is called this.

16 Assimilation

17 Modifying schemas to incorporate new information is called this.

18 accomodation

19 Despite developing object permanence, we know that children have difficulties with object displacement because of this type of error.

20 A not B error

21 People in the formal operational stage are capable of this type of reasoning.

22 Abstract

23 Children in the sensorimotor stage develop object permanence this reaction to strangers.

24 anxiety

25 The first menstrual cycle for girls is known as

26 menarche

27 Decision-making, moral judgments, voluntary movement and personality are all dictated by this portion of the cortex, which continues to develop through adolescence.

28 Frontal lobe

29 This type of parenting styles is characterized by a low demand and high responsiveness.

30 Permissive

31 Breasts and hips in girls and facial hair and a deepened voice in boys are called:

32 Secondary sex characteristics

33 This is the delusion that adolescents experience causing them to feel very unique and special.

34 Personal Fable

35 During early adulthood, a person must solve this dilemma, which will enable him or her to form a relationship

36 Intimacy vs. Isolation

37 During the first psychosocial stage, children must solve this dilemma, which enables them to feel comfortable in the world.

38 Trust vs. Mistrust

39 During adolescence, a person must successfully solve this dilemma, which allows them to settle in on who they are.

40 Identity vs. Role confusion

41 During middle adulthood, a person must solve this dilemma, which enables them to feel productive and meaningful.

42 Generativity vs. Stagnation

43 According to Marcia, if a person tries out different roles but never settles in on one single “identity”, they are in this stage of identity development.

44 Moratorium

45 According to Erikson, the last stage of a person’s psychosocial development is solving this dilemma retrospectively assessing the value of their life.

46 Integrity vs. Despair

47 Adults who have children of this age are the least happy in their marriage.

48 Teenagers

49 This type of intelligence declines with age

50 Fluid

51 This type of intelligence, marked by an accumulation of knowledge, increases with age

52 Crystallized

53 This is the second to last stage of grief/death, according to Kubler-Ross.

54 Depression

55 Final Jeopardy!!!!!!!!!!!! This was the name of the researcher that came up with the adolescent concepts of “Personal Fable” and “Imaginary Audience”

56 Elkind!!!

57 Name all three of Piaget’s children!!!!!!!!!

58 Jacqueline, lucienne, laurent

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