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Compass 指南针 printing 印刷术 gunpowder 火 药 paper-making 造纸术.

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Presentation on theme: "Compass 指南针 printing 印刷术 gunpowder 火 药 paper-making 造纸术."— Presentation transcript:

1 compass 指南针 printing 印刷术 gunpowder 火 药 paper-making 造纸术

2 Section A 1a-1c Unit6 When was it invented ? by Chen Yan

3 Which inventions do you think are more useful in our daily life? Talk about the inventions( 发明 ).

4 TV car computer telephone calculator bulb battery microwave oven mobile phone alarm clock √ √ √ √ fridge

5 1 、句型: When was the car invented? 2 、掌握一般过去时被动语态的结构,由 was/were + 过去分词构成。 3 、正确运用被动语态谈论重要的发明历史。 学习目标

6 1a Number and Discuss in group. A: I think the … was invented before the …. B: Well, I think the … was invented after the….

7 1b 标出对话中依次出现的发明物 。 1 2 3 4

8 1b 写出读出年份并写出对应完整的句子。 inventions years sentences telephone car TV computer

9 1b Listen and order the inventions. inventions years sentences computer car telephone TV 1876 1885 1927 1971 The telephone was invented in 1876. Cars were invented in 1885. The TV was invented around 1927. Personal computers were invented in 1971.

10 When was the computer invented? I think it was invented in 1876. 1c make dialogues

11 Exercises

12 1) When __________ the telephone_________________ (invent)? 2) The computer can_______________ us do math problems (help). 3) In those day, the woman couldn't _______________(afford) a TV because they were really expensive. 4) I think you need to___________________ (take) a history class. 一、用所给单词的正确形式填空: was invented help take afford

13 A. took B. was taken C. was taking (二)单项选择 ( ) 1 、 The telephone _______ in 1876. A. invent B. have invented C. was invented ( ) 2 、( 2011 海南中考) A : —Some parts of China are very thirsty now. I think water____ to those places. B : —I think so. A. must send B. must be sent C. be sent ( ) 3 、( 2014 海南中考) A : —Who’s the baby in the photo? B : —It’s me. The photo ________ ten years ago.

14 3 、 Trees were planted by students yesterday. ( 改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答 ) _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ( 三)、句型转化 1 、 Many people speak English. English _________ ___________ by many people. 2 、 The works built the factory in 1970. The factory _______ ________by _______ __________ in 1970. is spoken was builtthe works Were trees planted by students yesterday ? No, they weren’t.

15 Homework 1 、 Review the new drills. 复习句型 2 、 Preview 2a-2d.


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