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C Voice 0 to 1 when appropriate H Hand, Shout it out A Listening/Discussing/Presenting M Seated, taking care of own needs P Everyone, everyday S uccess!

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2 C Voice 0 to 1 when appropriate H Hand, Shout it out A Listening/Discussing/Presenting M Seated, taking care of own needs P Everyone, everyday S uccess!

3  Partner off in your team:  A: person with the longest hair  B: person with the shortest hair  You will each have 1 minute to: ◦ Share what you feel is the most important component of communication and why.  A goes first! ***Think Time***

4  You and parents were invited to participate in a study of school communication. The study was designed to implement strategies that would remove barriers to communication and to facilitate a comparative analysis between past practices and these new strategies.

5 Top Barriers T P 31% 0% No computer/internet access 6% 0% My comfort level with technology 25% 10% Different language spoken by parents 37% 70% Conflicting work schedule 6% 5% Comfort level with teachers/staff 87% 0% No phone access (Incorrect Info) 68% 25% Information doesn’t make it home

6 Preferred Strategies T P 4.56 4.95 Telephone 3.94 5.30 Email 5.50 3.75 Face to face 3.93 3.20 Written form 2.19 2.55 Internet sites 1.06 1.20 Social Media 65% of parents and 68% of staff felt they should be communicated with weekly!

7  You will get a question/answer sheet to analyze these results with your current practices and to see what you already have in place and where improvements can be made!  Be ready to share current practices and plan of improvement.

8  Successes and Improvements

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