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Seeing with Bar Graphs Unit Portfolio Presentation Pat Collofello.

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Presentation on theme: "Seeing with Bar Graphs Unit Portfolio Presentation Pat Collofello."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seeing with Bar Graphs Unit Portfolio Presentation Pat Collofello

2 Unit Summary  Get the big picture with bar graphs  Collect, organize data, and display data  Put into frequency tables  Construct graphs on the computer  Make a presentation where you interpret and analyze data

3 Curriculum-Framing Questions  Essential Question How does recording information give you a picture of the world?  Unit Questions Can math give you a picture of the world? Can math give you a picture of the world? What story does your bar graph tell? What story does your bar graph tell?  Content Questions Where do you put the labels on a bar graph? What does the title tell you about the bar graph? What does the data on the bar graph mean? What is the difference between the x and y axis on your bar graph?

4 Seeing with Bar Graphs This project will help my students develop 21 st century skills by: Collaborating with peers. Collecting, organizing, and analyzing data to electronically construct bar graphs Drawing conclusions to answer Unit Questions Making a presentation using bar graphs

5 Gauging Student Needs Assessment What I want to learn from my students? I want to find out what they already know about the Unit Questions. I want to find out what social skills they need help with to do cooperative learning. How the assessment information helps me and my students plan for upcoming activities in the unit? The assessment information will let me know if I need to add additional lessons. It will let me know how to meet the needs of the specific learners in my classroom. I can provide various resources. We will revisit this assessment throughout the unit for students to add their knowledge. Reflection: I need to work on more balanced assessment for my students

6  Learn more about project based learning  Practice writing a unit plan for project based learning  Increase my technology skills  Share ideas with other teachers My Goals for the Course

7 Goals for My Students  To become more active learners  To learn to use technology  To see the big idea in their learning  To learn how to work cooperatively

8 Reflection  I need to teach to the big idea to increase higher thinking skill in my students  Need more balanced assessment  It’s challenging to keep up with all the new technology and how to adapt it to the needs of a young child

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