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Chapter 5 Gender Issues.

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1 Chapter 5 Gender Issues

2 Sex and Gender Definitions
genetic, anatomical Gender psychosocial meaning of maleness and femaleness Gender Identity subjective sense of being male or female Gender (Sex) Role cultural norms for male and female behavior

3 Gender-Identity Formation
Typical prenatal differentiation 23 human chromosomes 22 autosomes and 1 sex chromosome Chromosomal sex XX: female XY: male DSS gene on X SRY gene on Y Is our sense of being male or female based more on biological factors or on social learning? What is the best treatment strategy for intersexed children who are born with an ambiguous mixture of male and female external genitals?

4 Typical Prenatal Differentiation
Caption: Gender Identity as a Biological Process: Typical Prenatal Differentiation

5 Typical Prenatal Differentiation
Gonadal sex Ovaries or testes Hormonal sex Estrogens and androgens

6 Typical Prenatal Differentiation
Internal structures Müllerian duct Males – Vas deferens, seminal vesicles, ejaculatory duct Wolffian duct Females – Fallopian tubes, uterus, inner 1/3 vagina External structures Genital tubercle Clitoris or penis Labioscrotal swelling Labia or scrotum

7 Prenatal Differentiation of Internal Structures
Caption: Prenatal development of male and female duct systems from undifferentiated (before sixth week) to differentiated.

8 Prenatal Differentiation of External Genitals
Caption: Prenatal development of male and female external genitals from undifferentiated to fully differentiated.

9 Homologous Sex Organs Caption: Homologous sex organs

10 Sex Differentiation Of The Brain
Hypothalamus Differentiates in pregnancy Directs production of sex hormones May influence sex differences and sexual functioning Cerebral hemispheres Corpus callosum

11 Parts of the Brain Caption: Parts of the brain: (a) cross section of the human brain showing the cerebral cortex, corpus callosum, hypothalamus, and pituitary gland; (b) top view showing the left and right cerebral hemispheres. Only the cerebral cortex covering the two hemispheres is visible.

12 Atypical Prenatal Differentiation
Intersexed True hermaphrodites Pseudohermaphrodites Sex chromosome disorders Turner’s syndrome XO Klinefelter’s syndrome XXY

13 Atypical Prenatal Differentiation
Disorders affecting prenatal hormonal processes Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) Fetally androgenized females DHT-deficient males

14 Atypical Prenatal Differentiation
Caption: Summary of some examples of atypical prenatal sex differentiation.

15 Social Learning Influences on Gender Identity
Firm gender identity by age 3 Mead study Culture determines gender role Long-term case studies by Money Psychosexually neutral at birth Follow-up of Money’s cases by Diamond Another case often overlooked (Bradley) Long-term problems with surgical reassignment Assume that you are the leader of a team of health professionals who must decide the best treatment for an intersexed infant. Would you assign a gender identity and perform the surgical and/or hormonal treatments consistent with the assigned gender? If so, what gender would you select? Why? If you would decide not to assign a gender, what kind of follow-up or management strategy would you suggest during the child’s developmental years?

16 The Interactional Model
Nature Biological determinants Nurture Social learning and the environment Acknowledge the interaction of both Relative roles are still unclear

17 Transsexualism and Transgenderism
Transexualism Gender identity is opposite to biological sex Transgendered Appearance and/or behavior does not conform to traditional gender roles Variations of transgendered behaviors Intersexed people Gender Identity vs. sexual orientation

18 Transsexualism Etiology Options Outcomes
Gender blending/cross-dressing Psychotherapy Sex reassignment Outcomes

19 Gender Roles Gender-based stereotypes (North American)
Males Independent and aggressive Females Dependent and submissive Recent trend away from rigid stereotypes Women less entrenched than men in rigid gender-role stereotypes Ethnic variation in gender roles

20 Gender Roles Agents of Socialization
Parental expectations Peers School teachers and textbooks Television and gender-based stereotypes Religious training

21 Gender Role Expectations
Women undersexed, men oversexed Men initiate, women receive Women as controllers, men as movers Men are unemotional and strong Women are nurturing and supportive

22 Androgyny Transcending Gender Roles
Having characteristics of both sexes Benefits Drawbacks May show more flexibility and comfort with sexuality

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