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D9.3_Mary Line 3 Outcomes. Images from Wikimedia Commons. 1 Coronation of the Virgin. Fra Angelico.

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Presentation on theme: "D9.3_Mary Line 3 Outcomes. Images from Wikimedia Commons. 1 Coronation of the Virgin. Fra Angelico."— Presentation transcript:

1 D9.3_Mary Line 3 Outcomes. Images from Wikimedia Commons. 1 Coronation of the Virgin. Fra Angelico

2 D9.3_Mary Line 3 Outcomes. Images from Wikimedia Commons. 2 The Church honours Mary As Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God Lesende Madonna. Giorgione

3 D9.3_Mary Line 3 Outcomes. Images from Wikimedia Commons. 3 The Council of Ephesus in 431CE declared that MaryIsTheotokos(God-bearer). Black Madonna. Spain. Chipiona

4 D9.3_Mary Line 3 Outcomes. Images from Wikimedia Commons. 4 Vatican II also gave an ecclesial (Church) context to Mary. Virgin of the Passion

5 D9.3_Mary Line 3 Outcomes. Images from Wikimedia Commons. 5 Contemporary thinking about Mary focuses on her as a model disciple in hearing and doing God's word. Visitation Altarpiece. Daret

6 D9.3_Mary Line 3 Outcomes. Images from Wikimedia Commons. 6 This enables people today to connect with Mary's experience, and gives a wide ecclesial (Church) context to teachings about Mary. Flight into Egypt. Fra Angelico

7 D9.3_Mary Line 3 Outcomes. Images from Wikimedia Commons. 7 The dogma of the Immaculate Conception states that Mary was conceived and born without original sin or the inclination to sin which is part of humanity. Birth of the Virgin. Francisco de Zurbaran

8 D9.3_Mary Line 3 Outcomes. Images from Wikimedia Commons. 8 It can also be seen as a symbol for the whole Church: that ‘Mary was full of grace’ in her beginnings gives followers of Christ confidence that grace is more 'original‘ than sin. Maria. Francesco de Valdambrino

9 D9.3_Mary Line 3 Outcomes. Images from Wikimedia Commons. 9 Mary as Virgin Mother also has an ecclesial (Church) dimension. San Albino Church. New Mexico

10 D9.3_Mary Line 3 Outcomes. Images from Wikimedia Commons. 10 Like Mary, the Church's mission is to bring Christ to birth in people's lives. The Holy Virgin Blachernitissa. Valhernskaya

11 D9.3_Mary Line 3 Outcomes. Images from Wikimedia Commons. 11 The Assumption of Mary into heaven also discloses the Church's destiny for glory by the power of God to transform human existence. Assumption of the Virgin. Venuti

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