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EProject Document. Group 4 Group Member : Nguyen Thanh Chuong A03765 288 Truong Ngoc Dai A02506 300 Nguyen Vinh Loc A03776 0637 Nguyen Minh Tu A03755.

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Presentation on theme: "EProject Document. Group 4 Group Member : Nguyen Thanh Chuong A03765 288 Truong Ngoc Dai A02506 300 Nguyen Vinh Loc A03776 0637 Nguyen Minh Tu A03755."— Presentation transcript:

1 eProject Document

2 Group 4 Group Member : Nguyen Thanh Chuong A03765 288 Truong Ngoc Dai A02506 300 Nguyen Vinh Loc A03776 0637 Nguyen Minh Tu A03755 344 Nguyen Manh Quan A03066 462 Instructor : Nguyen Ngoc Tu Batch : HDSE Semester : 3/4

3 Table of Contents 1. Customer Requirement Specification 2. Use Case Diagram 3. System Architecture 4. Sequence Diagram 5. Entity Relationship Diagram 6. Database Design 7. Screenshots

4 Customer Requirement Specification Full payment during the submission of the deliverable, except for the VPP service The admin has the right to access all the pages of the website The employee will only be able to access the details of the deliverable where he can enter, update the details and as well the details of service charges, contact address based on the location, and the pin codes of the locations. Also the employee can change the password for logging in to his a/c and as well he can update his profile and the profile thus change can be altered only after the admin agrees for it. A Database to store all the details of the deliverables received from either the customer or from the other branches

5 Inputs provided by the Client:  Inputs fot the Web-based application  Outputs form the Web-based application  Processed involved in the Web-based application  Expected purchasing order Customer Requirement Specification

6 Use Case Diagram Use-case Diagram for Online Post Office Management

7 Employee Management Use Case Diagram

8 Customer Management Use Case Diagram

9 Service Packs Management Use Case Diagram

10 Order Management Use Case Diagram

11 FeedBack Management Use Case Diagram

12 System Architecture Web-Based Distributed 3-Tier Architecture of the Project

13 Sequence Diagram Register Sequence Diagram

14 Login Sequence Diagram Sequence Diagram

15 Entity Relationship Diagram

16 Screenshots


18 Thanks: Nguyen Ngoc Tu

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