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Investing Is Biblical …thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow. –Deuteronomy 28:12b Biblical definition of investing is to lend.

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Presentation on theme: "Investing Is Biblical …thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow. –Deuteronomy 28:12b Biblical definition of investing is to lend."— Presentation transcript:


2 Investing Is Biblical …thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow. –Deuteronomy 28:12b Biblical definition of investing is to lend.

3 Planning, Savings, & Investing Is Biblical Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds. –Proverbs 27:23 There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise; but a foolish man spendeth it up. –Proverbs 21:20 Story of talents - Matthew 25:14-30 Know cost of tower - Luke 14:28

4 Investing Is Biblical Make Friends with Money Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness. –Luke 16:9 Educate yourself in money matters.

5 Investing Is Biblical Financial Goals Giving 10% gross Pay off debt Save 5-20% of gross Pay off mortgage Lifestyle…self-funded ministry…cash car Make a will A goal is a statement of God’s will for me.

6 Investing Is Biblical Parents Income rose 524% (age 20-30) 49 workers support 1 retiree Average age at death 63 Peak earnings after kids gone Homes appreciated greatly (Buy Your Second Home First) Paid Debt with inflated $ You 34% 2.7 workers(2018) 90/95 still paying for kids 0-3% per yr. 1998 inflation 1.7%

7 Investing Is Biblical Three plans for making a million by age 65, assuming the money ears 12% a year Age 25, start investing $59 a month Age 40, put $10,000 down AND invest $493 a month Age 50, put $50,000 down AND invest $1,540 a month

8 Generational Numbers Boomers Aborted Retirement 48 Million “Mature” 81 Million “Boomers” 38 Million “X-ers” Previous Generation finances the retirement of present generation. Investing Is Biblical


10 Why retirement savings is low Employers say Employees think can’t afford - 41% Lack of understanding - 16% Perceived lack of need - 14% Have other goals - 10% Incentives too low - 5% Don’t know - 8%

11 Why retirement savings is low Employees say Think they can’t afford it - 21% Not eligible for plan yet - 18% Prefer investing elsewhere - 12% Company doesn’t match - 9% Doesn’t like choices - 7% Don’t know - 25%

12 Investing Is Biblical BEGIN WITH THE NEXT PAY RAISE

13 Investing Is Biblical 401(K) 403(b) ROTH IRA-no tax on earnings from IRA IRA-no tax on contribution to IRA Vehicle for investment NOT the investment

14 Investing Is Biblical Current Contributions Pre-Tax Deferral Percent 7% of pay After-Tax Contribution Percent 0% of pay YTD Employee Contributions $2,308.56 YTD Company Contributions $3,163.02

15 Investing Is Biblical Balances as of September 30, 1997 Your Contributions Since 1/1/88 to REVSOP: $16,055.26 Your Total REVSOP Balance: $102,049.05

16 Investing Is Biblical Ways to invest IRA, 401(K), 403(b) Cash- CD, Money Market Annuity - contract with insurance co. Mutual Funds –very conservative - money market –conservative - money market, bonds, stocks –moderate - income producing stocks, large cap stocks –growth - large cap stocks, mid-cap stocks –aggressive - small cap stocks

17 Investing Is Biblical

18 Investing Is Biblical Understanding Risk

19 Investing Is Biblical Rule of 72 Divide 72 by rate of return = # of years to double money 72 divide 18% = 4 years 72 divide 15% = 4.8 years 72 divide 12% = 6 years

20 Investing Is Biblical $130,000 -4 yr 260,000 Age 40 -8 yr 520,000 Age 44 - 12 yr 1,040,000 Age 48 - 16 yr 2,080,000 Age 52 - 20 yr 4,160,000 Age 56 - 24 yr 8,320,000 Age 60 - 28 yr 16,640,000 Age 64

21 Investing Is Biblical 98 3yr 5yr 10yr Washington Mutual (5.75%) 18 24 22 18 1-800-421-4120 Am. Century Inc/Grth 27 29 23 1-800-345-2021 Legg-Mason Value 47 41 32 21 1-800-577-8589 Janus Twenty 75 43 30 26 1-800-525-8983

22 Legg-Mason Value $10,000 4/82-12/98

23 Investing Is Biblical $1,000 Deposited Each Year End of Year Values 5 yrs 10 yrs 15 yrs 20 yrs 18% 7,154 23,521 60,965 146,628 20% 7,442 25,959 72,035 186,688 22% 7,740 28,657 85,192 237,989 24% 8,048 31,643 100,815 303,601

24 Investing Is Biblical $166 month automatic withdrawal = $2,000 per year $332 month = $4,000 per year for two

25 Investing Is Biblical Saving vs. Hoarding Genesis 41:46-57 Joseph saved 20% Luke 12:16-21 Rich man had to build bigger barns How are these situations similar? How are they different? Why was God pleased with one, displeased with other?

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