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2009 Media Plan Recommendation (North America) 11/19/ 08.

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1 2009 Media Plan Recommendation (North America) 11/19/ 08

2 Objectives To reach industry executives, ISOs, MLSs, resellers, and financial services decision makers in the payments industry To provide as much continuity (frequency) as possible throughout the year Increase visibility and reach by being on the website of each publication Final Budget is TBD; current plan is at $120,000 gross –(Calendar Year 2009)

3 Strategy Utilize the key publications covering all aspects of the target audience: –ISO’s –MLS’s –Financial Institutions Primarily utilize Full Color Pages in 2009 –Use each publication a minimum of 3 times Focus on issues that have relevant editorial or supplements (i.e. Pay At Table, Wireless, Contactless, Security, New Products) Align scheduling around key industry shows

4 Tactics We have evaluated/negotiated with the following publications for 2009: –The Green Sheet (Client already committed to ’09) –Source Media (ISO & Agent, ISO & Agent Weekly, Cards & Payments, Cardline, Card Forum) –Transaction Trends Digital Transactions & Hospitality Technology may be supported with contingency funds. Vertical segments are pending until research study is completed. Some verticals (i.e. restaurants through state associations) will be handled more directly through ISO representation, rather than media, due to poor response in 2008

5 Publications Recommended

6 Why Green Sheet? (Published 30x Annually / Total Circulation: 25,000) Founded in 1983 by industry pioneer Paul Green Semi-Monthly format provides timely emerging news relevant to the payment process industry Considered “bible” of the industry, providing coverage dedicated to the education and success of the ISO & MLS 72% of Readers are ISO’s & MLS’s 8% are industry vendors 8% are financial institutions 86% have shared with business associate GSQ (Green Sheet Quarterly) is a four-color glossy, published quarterly, providing further in depth analysis of topics central to the financial services industry

7 Green Sheet Recommended Issues (Contract Signed 10/6 by Client) 12x – Full Page B&W Insertions 1/26, 2/23, 3/23, 4/27, 5/25, 6/22, 7/27, 8/24, 9/28, 10/26, 11/26, 12/28 12x – Half Page B&W Insertions 1/12, 2/9, 3/9, 4/13, 5/11, 6/8, 7/13, 8/10, 9/14, 10/12, 11/9, 12/14 4x – Full Page Full Color Insertion in GSQ (Inside Cover) 3/23, 6/22, 9/28, 12/28 1x – 10,000 GSQ Preprint Flyers 3/23 Added Value Skyscraper ad and large banner ad on The Green Sheet website (12 months, shared rotation) – see next page for details Bonus Distribution at NAAC, SEAA, ETA, MAAC

8 Green Sheet – 25,000+ unique monthly visits per month Homepage & ROS (Banner & Skyscraper positions) rotates with other advertisers, 50% rotation estimated. See screen shot examples below. Added Value Will receive 12 months presence; $13,800 Value

9 Why ISO & Agent / ISO & Agent Weekly? (Published 7x Annually / Total Circulation: 6,103) Provides analysis and the latest developments in the fast-paced POS industry. Each issue offers strategies, selling tips and tactics for sales success. Coverage includes: ATM Technology, Market Trends, Technology Updates, Vendor Trends, Legal Updates, Security and New Products Weekly e-newsletter is sent to 5,311 subscribers, providing timely breaking news. Subscribers sell to the following markets: Retail (28%), Restaurant (29%), QSRs (18%), Hospitality (23%), Grocery (23$), Banking/Financial (20%), Education (16%), Transportation (17%), and Entertainment (15%) 79% take action as a result of seeing ads 79% read or looked through the last 4 issues 71% are involved in purchasing ISO related products 57% plan to increase spending on technology

10 ISO & Agent / ISO & Agent Weekly Recommended Issues ISO & Agent (4x - Full Page / Full Color) Jan/Feb – New Technology Mar – Merchants Apr – ETA Issue Jul/Aug – ISO Fact Book Sep/Oct – New Products ISO & Agent Weekly (13x – Half Page / Full Color) 1/15, 2/12, 3/12, 4/9, 5/7, 5/28, 6/18, 7/9, 7/30, 8/20, 9/10, 10/1, 10/22 Added Value Bonus Distribution at NAAC, SEAA, ETA, and MAAC

11 Why Cards & Payments? (Published 12x Annually / Total Circulation: 30,105) Targeted at senior-level payments executives, is a business magazine covering key trends and competitive strategies in the electronic transactions and emerging non-card based systems industry 71% responded it’s the single most valuable industry publication 74% read 3-4 of the last four issues 83% are involved in purchasing payment related products Average time spent reading is 30.4 minutes Average reader’s industry experience is 10.8 years 75% report taking some action is response to seeing advertisements in the publication

12 Cards & Payments Recommended Issues 4x - Full Page / Full Color Jan – Annual Industry Forecast Apr – POS Terminal Trends, Mobile Payments, Contactless May – Bankcard Profitability Study Nov – NFC - Are Phones Ready? Added Value Bonus Distribution at NRF, CardForum & Expo, ETA, CTST, CARTES, BAI, TechMecca

13 PaymentsSource This is a new venture that just launched in October. It is a subscription based website that acts as a central location for all of SourceMedia’s payments and banking titles including Cards&Payments, ISO&Agent, American Banker, US Banker, Bank Technology News and more. This new service from Source Media offers subscribers an in-depth, 360˚view of the industry — plus the reporting and delivery tools needed to easily customize news, data, company and executive profiles and other relevant information. It will attract high-level decision makers, but ultimately, a smaller audience than the non-paid or qualified publications. Added Value Explored added value opportunities but pub is not offering. Do not recommend paid presence. New venture – recommend wait and see approach before targeting funds. Will continue to explore added value.

14 Why Cardline? Highly targeted e-newsletters sponsorship, receiving high visibility from influential payments subscribers. Cardline – a daily (M-F) newsletter that speeds late breaking news directly to over 4,100 senior level executives Top Banner (rotates with Discover to half subscription base) + 50 Words Text (position 3 requested but not confirmed) Added Value Will receive 12 months (M-F daily) presence; $8,100 Value

15 Why Card Forum? Web site targeted to senior-level executives in the credit, debit, loyalty, and smart card arena. 20,335 Avg. Monthly Visitors / 68,122 Page View, 7 minutes, 4 Seconds is the average time spent per session Article display banner embedded in featured editorial. Link to Added Value Will receive a 300x250 pixel article banner for 12 months; $3,500 Value

16 Why Transaction Trends? (Published 12x Annually / Total Circulation: 8,000) Is the official publication of the Electronic Transactions Association, and is a source of thoughtful, in-depth reporting on the electronic payments industry, including legal and security issues coverage of vertical markets, sales and marketing strategies for ISO's news analysis and industry trends 74% consider it must reading 91% agree it is relevant to their job 85% involved in purchasing decisions at their company 53% are corporate officers Transactions Trends Readers: ISOs: 39% Processors: 18% Financial Institutions: 10% Vendors/Service Providers: 27%

17 Transaction Trends Recommended Issues Apr – POS Technologies, ETA Show Added Value Bonus distribution at ETA

18 Transaction Trends – 20,000 unique monthly visits per month Vertical Homepage Banner (125x240) for 1 Month

19 Transaction Trends ETA Currents - is an e-newsletter delivered to 12,000 subscribers each week Logo/Link + 50-100 words for 1 Week


21 Next Steps Costs have not been finalized and could change to some extent Make any necessary revisions to the plan/schedule/budget and negotiate/place all media Secure VeriFone’s approval and sign appropriate contracts to secure rates and placement. Finalize a production schedule with defined deliverables and due dates to go live Continue added value discussions throughout year

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