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Chapter 28 First Aid. Chapter 28 Lesson 1 Providing First Aid O Relate the nation’s goals and objectives to individual, family, and community health.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 28 First Aid. Chapter 28 Lesson 1 Providing First Aid O Relate the nation’s goals and objectives to individual, family, and community health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 28 First Aid

2 Chapter 28 Lesson 1

3 Providing First Aid O Relate the nation’s goals and objectives to individual, family, and community health and appropriate first aid procedures O Understand the importance of learning first aid O Analyze strategies for responding to accidental injuries First Aid Universal Precautions

4 First Aid First Aid- the immediate, temporary care given to an ill or injured person until professional medical care can be provided.

5 Universal Precautions O Actions taken to prevent the spread of disease by treating all blood and other body fluids as if they contain pathogens

6 Types of Injuries O Not all injuries are emergencies. Examples are: O Splinters O Scrapes O Bumps Bruises O Blisters

7 Open Wounds O Open Wounds- are one type of injury. Treatment that depends on the severity and type of the wound. O Abrasion- skin is scraped against a hard surface, tiny blood vessels in the outer layers of the skin break, resulting in an abrasion.

8 Wounds Cont: O Laceration- is a cut caused by a sharp object, such as a knife or broken glass, slicing through the layers of skin.

9 Wounds Count: O Puncture- wound that is a small but deep hole caused by pin, nail, fang, or other object that pierces the skin.

10 Wound Cont O Avulsion- results when tissue is partially or completely separated from the body. A partially avulsed piece of skin may remain attached, but hangs like a flap.

11 First Aid For Bleeding O Cover the wound with sterile gauze or a clean cloth and press firmly. O If possible, elevate the wound above the level of the heart. O Cover the gauze or dressing with sterile bandage O Call for help or have someone else do so.

12 Burns O Burns- heat radiation from the sun, certain chemicals and electricity can all burn the skin and soft tissues of the body. O Burns caused by heat are the most common.

13 Types of Burns O First-degree burn- only the outer layer of skin is burned and turns red.

14 Types of Burns O Second-degree burns- is on in which the top several layers of skin are damaged. The skin will have blisters and appear blotchy.

15 Types of Burns O Third-degree burn- is a serious burn in which deeper layers of skin a possibly fat, muscle, nerves, and bone are damaged.

16 Burns

17 Chapter 28 Lesson 2

18 CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking O Identify the appropriate steps for responding to life- threating emergencies O Analyze strategies for responding to an emergency situation requiring CPR O Analyze strategies for responding to shock or chocking victim. Chain of survival Defibrillator Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Shock

19 Life-Threatening Emergencies O Chain of survival- a sequence of actions that maximize the victim’s chance of survival. O Defibrillator- is a device that delivers an electric shock to the heart to restore its normal rhythm.

20 CPR O Cardiopulmonary resuscitation- CPR- is a life-saving first aid procedure that combines rescue breaths with chest compressions, supplying oxygen to the body until normal body functions can resume.

21 First Aid for Shock O Shock- Failure of the cardiovascular system to keep adequate supply of blood circulating to the vital organs of the body.

22 Chapter 28 Lesson 3

23 Responding to Common Emergencies O Analyze strategies for responding to accidental muscle,joint, and bone injuries O Analyze strategies for responding to accidental injuries resulting in unconsciousness Fracture Unconsciousness Concussion

24 Responding to Common Emergencies O Muscle Cramps- sudden and painful tightening of a muscle. a. Stretch out the affected muscle to counter act the cramp b. Massage the cramped muscle firmly c. Apply moist heat to the area d. Get medical help if the cramp persists

25 Strains and Sprains O Strain- is an injury to a muscle, usually resulting in overuse. O Sprain- is an injury to the ligament O R.I.C.E O Rest O Ice O Compression O Elevation

26 Other Emergencies O Fracture- is a break in the bone. O Unconsciousness- condition in which a person is not alert and aware of his or her surroundings. O Concussion- a jarring injury to the brain that affects normal brain function

27 Chapter 28 Lesson 4

28 Treatment for Poisoning O Analyze strategies for responding to accidental injuries such as poisoning O Analyze strategies for responding to accidental injuries such as bites and stings O Analyze strategies for preventing and responding to accidental injuries such as skin irritation caused by contact with poisonous plants Poison Venom Poison Control Center

29 Poisoning O Poison- is any substance solid, liquid, or gas that causes injury, illness, or death when introduced to the body. O Venom- a poisonous substance secreted by a snake, spider, or other creature that is injected into the body through a sting or bite.

30 Poison control center O Poison control center- is a 24 hour hot line that provides emergency medical advice on treating poisoning victims. O Be prepared to give your name, location, and telephone number O Provide the name of the substance, when it was ingested, and how much was involved. O Describe the state of the victim O Be prepared to follow instructions

31 First Aid for Poisoning O Proper treatment of poisoning requires professional guidance. O Swallowed Poisons- quickly try to determine what was swallowed and call poison control center O Inhaled Poisons-start rescue breathing O Poison on the skin-remove as quickly as possible O Poison in the eye-start flushing out the eye

32 Snake, and insect bites

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