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SCIENCE The goal of science is to understand the world around us. This involves curiosity. Asking questions is a start:

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Presentation on theme: "SCIENCE The goal of science is to understand the world around us. This involves curiosity. Asking questions is a start:"— Presentation transcript:

1 SCIENCE The goal of science is to understand the world around us. This involves curiosity. Asking questions is a start:

2 The Goals of Science to investigate and understand nature to explain events in nature to use those explanations to make useful predictions

3 Biology The study of life Living things interact with each other example: Leaf cutter ants eat fungus The seahorse hides in the seaweed.

4 What part of the food chain are leaf cutter ants?

5 Questions? What would happen to the jungle floor without leaf cutter ants? Jungle would be overthrown by fungus and too much leaf litter.

6 Where is the sea fourse?

7 The Environment It is important to understand how man impacts the environment and then the interaction of all living things within it.


9 Characteristics of Living Things Living things are organized: All living things are composed of either one or more cells. Each cell has the program of life called DNA that provides all the information needed to control the organism’s life processes.

10 DNA-the code of life

11 Living things make more living things: Reproduction is essential for the continuation of the organism’s species. A species is a group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring in nature.


13 Living things change during their lives. Growth results in an increase in the amount of living material and the formation of new structures. All the changes that take place during the life of an organism are known as its development.


15 Living things adjust to their surroundings. Organisms live in a constant interface with their surroundings which includes the air, water, weather, temperature, any other organisms in the area. Anything in an organism’s external or internal environment that causes the organism to react is a stimulus. A reaction to a stimulus is a response.


17 Living things adapt and evolve. Any inherited structure, behavior, or internal process that enables an organism to respond to environmental factors and live produce offspring is called an adaptation. The gradual change of organisms over a long period of time is evolution.



20 Scientists study problems and propose solutions:

21 Understanding Fossil Butte 50 million year old fish found at the top of Fossil Butte in Wyoming Pacific Ocean over 1000 km away How did they get there???

22 Before starting an experiment you can form an inference. Inference is the ability to use the information you have already obtained to help you form a hypothesis. For example: Guess what five items are in the shoebox. Use your senses.



25 Observation between you an your partner may vary. It can be unreliable. For example: If there were a car accident with 10 witnesses, chances are not all will agree on what happened. Do demonstration.

26 Observation Based on five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch (Record results) Quantitative Data – numerical Ex- how many, how big, how fast Qualitative Data – descriptive Ex – color, texture, smell, behavior



29 If an experiment is done enough times it may become worthy of becoming a theory. A theory is a powerful, time tested concept that make useful and predictable predictions about the natural world. Example: The Big Bang Theory

30 A Theory in Science A very well supported hypothesis When a hypothesis has been verified many times by different scientists, it becomes a theory Redi’s, Spallanzani’s, and Pasteur’s experiments led to the theory of biogenesis (life comes from life) Theories explain phenomena in nature

31 Spontaneous Generation In the past, people thought life could just appear from non living matter Ex – maggots just appear on meat

32 Redi’s Experiment 1668 – proposed hypothesis that the maggots came from flies Tested hypothesis by placing meat in jars and covering some of the jars Everything was controlled (kept the same) except the variable (covering jars)

33 Redi’s Experiment Uncovered jarsCovered jars Several days pass Maggots appearNo maggots appear

34 Types of Variables Independent: the variable being manipulated Redi controlled the covering of the jars Dependent: the variable that changes in response to the independent variable The presence of maggots in Redi’s experiment

35 Spallanzani’s Experiment Tested Redi’s results Boiled to kill microorganisms What are the independent and dependent variables?? Gravy is boiled. Flask is open. Gravy is teeming with microorganisms. Gravy is boiled. Flask is sealed. Gravy is free of microorganisms.

36 Pasteur's Experiment Provided final proof that spontaneous generation did not occur

37 Broth is boiled.Broth is free of microorganisms for a year. Curved neck is removed. Broth is teeming with microorganisms. Section 1-2 Figure 1-11 Pasteur’s Experiment Go to Section: Pasteur's Experiment

38 What was Pasteur’s hypothesis? Microorganisms would not just appear Independent variable? Curved neck of flask Dependent variable? Presence of microorganisms

39 Scientific facts are known to absolutely true after hundreds of repetitive trials of an experiment. Fact: The world is round.

40 Myths: legends that express basic beliefs (made up stories that may be believed) There are sewer fairies in the sewers of Las Vegas.

41 EXAMPLE OF A LAB WRITE-UP 1. Define problem: Why do leaves change color? 2. Research: (Collect 5 sentences about the subject being studied. These must be in complete sentences, in your own words, and from an outside source).

42 3. Hypothesis: (Form an educated guess)

43 Hypothesis (Form an educated guess) Logical, testable, tentative explanation for a set of observations or a possible answer to a scientific question Arise from prior knowledge, logical inferences, or imaginative guesses

44 Testing hypotheses Can be done through further observation Usually done through controlled experiments A hypothesis proven to be wrong still adds to the body of scientific knowledge

45 4. Experiment: (Also known as the procedure) a. Place four different trees into four separate environments. 1. Cold with daily decreasing light. 2. Room temperature with uniform light from day to day. 3. Cold with uniform light. 4. Room temperature with daily decreasing light.

46 Types of Variables Independent: the variable being manipulated Dependent: the variable that changes in response to the independent variable

47 Variables: LIGHT TEMPERATURE (Those factors actually causing there to be change)

48 Experimental setup: The part that will actually change. In this case the tree that loses color in its leaves.

49 Control setup: The part that does not do any changing at all because it is present to use as a comparison of what is “normal”.

50 5. Results: Data recorded on a graph

51 6. Conclusion: (Explain results). Temperature alone does not determine how many leaves don’t stay green. Decreasing day light also affected the variables.

52 ntific_method/index.cfm ntific_method/index.cfm This will take you through the steps of the scientific method, set by step.

53 List of Equipment: A. Hand lens or magnifying glass

54 B. Dissecting pan

55 C. Dissecting pins

56 D. Forceps (tweezers)

57 E. Dissecting scissors

58 F. Probe

59 G. scalpel

60 H. Safety goggles

61 I. Triple beam balance

62 J. Graduated cylinder

63 K. Test tube

64 L. Beaker

65 M. Test tube holder

66 N. Bunsen burner

67 O. Medicine dropper

68 P. Pipette

69 Q. Microscope

70 R. Glass slide

71 S. Cover slip

72 T. Petri dish

73 U. Thermometer

74 V. Funnel

75 W. Metric ruler

76 Basic Metric Measurements

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