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EE8010/9010: Research Seminar for MASc and PhD Students Coordinator Dr. Xavier Fernando

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1 EE8010/9010: Research Seminar for MASc and PhD Students Coordinator Dr. Xavier Fernando

2 Course Outline Seminars mostly held on Thursdays or Mondays at 12 PM. Occasionally it may be on other days. You must have minimum 75% attendance individually in both terms to pass the course. There are ‘Sign-in’ and ‘Sign-out’ sheets – sign both Please don’t be late or leave early. Signing for other students will lead to failure grade and disciplinary action

3 Course Content Examples: Also check onsLab/ onsLab/ Mostly external well known or local informative speakers You expect technical talks on research or research methodology as well as on inspirations and entrepreneurship related talks.

4 Technical Benefit Core substance – It’s ok not to understand everything What is the state of the art Approach, Methodology, Limitations etc. Has the problem been solved effectively? – Are assumptions always valid? – How does it compare to other solutions? – Are there potential nontechnical problems?

5 Other Benefits You all will be making presentations soon. Graduate studies is about knowledge sharing Learn not only the topic, but also – How the speaker keeps the attention? – Why he/she chose the topic? Get to know speakers – Your academic network is always important Learning Never Ends – Be open minded

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