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Unit 8 Order, Acceptance or Refusal/Declining Teaching Objectives  Knowledge Requirements: 1 To enhance students’ awareness of basic knowledge of order.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 8 Order, Acceptance or Refusal/Declining Teaching Objectives  Knowledge Requirements: 1 To enhance students’ awareness of basic knowledge of order."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 8 Order, Acceptance or Refusal/Declining Teaching Objectives  Knowledge Requirements: 1 To enhance students’ awareness of basic knowledge of order. 2 To enable students to become familiar with the main contents of order, acceptance or refusal/declining.  Competence Requirements: To write effective letters on making an order and accepting or refusing an order.

2 Part One Brief Introduction An order is a letter (or a printed form) sent by the importer to the exporter for supply of a certain quantity of goods. Orders are usually written on a company’s official order form, which has a date, and reference number that should be quoted in any correspondence which refers to the order. The essential qualities of an order are accuracy and clarity.

3 An order or an order letter should: 1. Explain there is an order accompanying the letter. 2. Confirm the terms of payment. 3. Confirm the agreed discounts, if any. 4. Confirm the delivery dates. 5. State the methods of delivery. 6. Advise your supplier how you want the goods packed.

4 Once an order is accepted by the seller, he must send a letter confirming agreed terms and conditions. An acceptance of an order should include the following: 1. Express the pleasure at receiving the order. 2. Add a favorable comment on the goods ordered. 3. Include an assurance of prompt and careful attention. 4. Draw attention to other products likely to be of interest 5. Hope for further order.

5 However, there are times when sellers can’t accept buyers’ orders because the goods required are not available or prices and specifications have been changed. Under the circumstances, letters rejecting orders must be written with the utmost care and with an eye to goodwill and future business. It is advisable to recommend suitable substitutes, make counter-offers and persuade buyers to accept them.

6 A refusal letter of an order should include the following: 1. Thank the buyer for the order. 2. Express the regret at inability to accept. 3. State the reasons for rejection. 4. Recommend substitutes or other products for future business.

7 Part Two Orders, Acceptance & Refusals and Sample Letters Sample 1 An Order New Asia Import & Export Corporation Miwon Building, 43 Yongdungpo-ku, Seoul Tel: 62-34782349 Fax: 62-34782348 November 5, 2002 The Eastern Import & Export Corporation 15th Floor, 864 Hongqiao Road Shanghai,China

8 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your quotation of October 10 sending us the samples of Women’s Silk Garments. We are satisfied with the quality and pleased to enclose our Order No.78 for sizes mentioned in your latest catalogue. We have decided to accept the 6% trade discount you offered and terms of payment, but we would like other terms reviewed in the near future. If you do not have any of the listed in stock, please do not send substitutes in their place. We would appreciate delivery within the next six weeks and look forward to your acknowledgement. Yours faithfully, New Asia Import & Export Corporation Manager

9 Sample 2 Accepting an Order The Eastern Import & Export Corporation 15th Floor, 864 Hongqiao Road Shanghai,China Tel: 021-38765219 Fax: 021-38765218 November 20, 2002 New Asia Import & Export Corporation Miwon Building, 43 Yongdungpo-ku Seoul, Korea

10 Dear Sirs, We are pleased to receive your Order No.78 of November 5 for Women’s Silk Garments and welcome you as one of our customers. For goods ordered we require payment to be made by a confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit payable by draft at sight upon presentation of shipping documents. We would be very grateful if you let us know immediately whether you agree to our terms. The goods are now available from stock. As soon as we receive your early affirmative reply, we shall arrange for dispatch upon receipt of your L/C. As you may not be aware of the wide range of goods we deal in, we are enclosing a copy of catalogue if you are interested in any other items. We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, The Eastern Import & Export Corporation Manager Encl.

11 Sample 3 Declining an Order The Eastern Import & Export Corporation 15th Floor, 864 Hongqiao Road Shanghai,China Tel: 021-38765219 Fax: 021-38765218 November 20, 2002 New Asia Import & Export Corporation Miwon Building, 43 Yongdungpo-ku Seoul, Korea

12 Dear Sirs, We are pleased to receive your Order No.78 of November 5 for Women’s Silk Garments. Much as we would like to expand our business with you, we feel regretful that we cannot at present entertain any orders for the above- mentioned goods, owing to heavy commitments. However, we shall not fall to contact you as soon as our new stocks come in. Regarding other stock silk goods, we are enclosing a list for your perusal in case you are interested in any other items. If possible, please do not hesitate to let us know your detailed requirements. Yours faithfully, The Eastern Import & Export Corporation Manager Encl.

13 Summary Placing an order is a very important step in the process of business. Therefore, it is essential to write appropriate letters on making an order, accepting an order or declining an order. To master the writing skills concerning the above-mentioned parts, you must keep the relative writing contents and skills in mind and practice them.

14 Exercise Exercise I Exercise II Exercise III

15 Exercise I. Directions: Choose the appropriate word or words for each blank.. 1. If you can’t (send, give) the goods as per (requirements, specifications), please send us alternates. 2. We (admit, acknowledge) with thanks your order of June 1. 3. If you do not have Model 105 (from, in) stocks, please (remove, cancel, drop) this order. 4. Please send them (on, in, by) s.s. “Mars” which will (ship, sail, start) from Seattle on or about April 15. 5. Any delay (of, in, about) shipment will cause us inconvenience.

16 6. Enclosed is our order (for, on) 300 sets of Transistor Radio. 7. Our offer is (firm, available, obtainable), subject to your reply (for, in, with) one week. 8. We hope you will (agree, accept, receive, admit) out terms and make (preparation, arrangements) for an early delivery. 9. We hope to book (with, for, from) you a repeat order (for, at on) the following lines (at, on, for) USD 300 per set CIF London. 10. Please supply the following items (based on, on the terms of) the understanding that the commission is 5% on each in order No.256.

17 II. Directions: Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 如果你方能给我方 5% 的折扣,我方将试购 300 台。 We shall place a trial order with you for 300 sets if you will give us a 5% discount. 2. 我们正在执行你方 13 号订单。请相信我们,订单将在你方所规定的期限内安排 装运。 We are working on your Order No.13 at present and you can trust we will effect the shipment within your stipulated time. 3. 由于大量承约,许多客户的订货都未发出,因此我们目前只能接受 7 月船期的 订货。 Owing to heavy commitments, many orders haven’t been made; we can only accept orders for July shipment. 4. 因为存货售罄,我们不能接受新的订单。但是一旦新货源到来,我们即去电与 你方联系。 Our stock is exhausted and we are in a position to accept fresh orders. However, we will contact you by cable as soon as new supplies are available. 5. 7 月 8 号来函及花式样和价目单均已收到,谢谢。我们已选妥,并随附第 101 号 订单。 Thank you very much for your letter of July 8 with patterns and price list. We have made our choice and take pleasure in enclosing our Order No. 101.

18 6. 如果你方没有蝴蝶牌缝纫机的现货,请告知其它牌子可供现货的规格及详细情 况。 In case you have no more “Butterfly” Brand Sewing Machines in stock, please advise us with all particulars the specifications of any other brand which can be available from stock. 7. 我们很高兴的确认从你处购进了 500 吨钢板。 We have the pleasure of confirming our purchase from you of 500 tons of Steel Plates. (Or: we are pleased to confirm having purchased 300 tons of Steel Plates from you.) 8. 请注意务必使你方货物符合我方要求。 Please see to it that your goods meet our requirements. 9. 请按第 110 号订单细节供应六千吨煤。 Please supply 6000 tons of coal in accordance with the details in our order No.110. 10. 经过长时间友好的讨论,现达成一笔 50 000 条床单的交易。 After long and friendly discussions we have now concluded a transaction of 50,000 pieces of Bed Sheets.

19 III. Directions: Write a letter ordering the items listed below, specifying quantity, unit price, total amount, terms of payment, shipment, etc. 品名数量规格价格价格条件 不锈钢管 350026” USD121 per set CFRC3 Chicago 140030” USD121 per set CFRC3 Chicago 付款方式即期汇票信用证 装运时间 9 月 18 日之前及时抵达

20 Key Dear Madam, In reply to your E-mail dated December 4, we are interested in the different sizes of nonstick frypans your offer. We have decided to book a trial order with you as follows: CommodityQuantitySpecificationPricePrice Term Stainless Steel Tube 350026” USD121 per set CFRC3 Chicago 140030” USD121 per set CFRC3 Chicago

21 We place this order on the condition that shipment is effected in good time so as to reach us by December 25. We suggest payment by letter of credit against at sight. We would like to know if it is agreeable to you. We are looking forward to your Sales Confirmation. Yours faithfully

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