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Amelia Bedelia’s Mix-Ups Dictionary Skills Lesson.

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Presentation on theme: "Amelia Bedelia’s Mix-Ups Dictionary Skills Lesson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amelia Bedelia’s Mix-Ups Dictionary Skills Lesson

2 Understanding? Amelia Bedelia doesn’t understand her instructions because she doesn’t know the meaning of the word as it is used in context. What is context? –The text which surrounds and gives meaning to an unknown word. Guide words? –They tell the first word and the last word on the page. All the words on the page will be in between the guide words in alphabetical order. The guide words are there to help locate words quickly.

3 Confused… Change – “Change the towels in the green bathroom.” –to put fresh clothes or covering on Dust – “Dust the furniture.” –to make free of dust : brush or wipe away dust Draw – “Draw the drapes when the sun comes in.” –to cause to move by pulling

4 Confused… Out – “Put the lights out when you finish in the living room.” –no long in power or use Measure – “Measure two cups of rice.” –the size, capacity, or quantity of something as fixed by measuring Trim – “Please trim the fat before you put the steaks in the icebox.” –to free of unnecessary matter

5 Confused… Dress – “And please dress the chicken.” –to prepare (a meat animal) for food –PracticePractice

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