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Effective Numeracy Workshop Framework & Assessment Lisa Heap & Prem Swami.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Numeracy Workshop Framework & Assessment Lisa Heap & Prem Swami."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Numeracy Workshop Framework & Assessment Lisa Heap & Prem Swami

2 Objectives Develop an understanding of the characteristics associated within the different stages of the Framework: Strategy & Knowledge Understand and explain the differences between Knowledge and Strategy Have identified the purpose of the Diagnostic Assessments (GloSS, IKAN, NumPA)

3 Baseline Data Sheet Teachers to complete baseline data sheet. Use sheet to identify needs for next sessions. Share back at next session. Make purpose link to needs of group.

4 Cover Up Kiwi

5 Give One Get One “To be numerate is to have the ability and inclination to use mathematics effectively – at home, at work and in the community.” To be Numerate:

6 What is the focus on Maths teaching now? Greater emphasis on how you get the answer. Developing multiple flexible thinking strategies. More focus on the different ways of communicating information, including orally and in written form (pictures, diagrams, equations). Making decisions about the most efficient strategy to use on any given problem. Importance placed on students gaining the necessary knowledge in order to help with their strategy development. Questioning children about their thinking, giving them time to respond, and giving specific feedback on their responses.

7 Knowledge or Strategy? 10 + 4 = 53 - 29 =

8 StrategyKnowledge Creates new knowledge through use Provides the foundation for strategies The New Zealand Number Framework The Strategy section describes the mental processes students use to solve operational problems with numbers. The Knowledge section describes the key items of knowledge that students need to learn. Strong Knowledge is essential for students to broaden their Strategies across a full range of numbers.

9 The Number Framework StrategiesKnowledge Number Identification Number Sequence and Order Grouping and Place Value Basic Facts Written Recording Addition & Subtraction Multiplication & Division Fractions and Proportions

10 Counting Strategies Part-Whole Strategies Strategy Stages: 0: Emergent 1: One to One Counting 2: Counting from one on Materials 3: Counting from one by Imaging 4: Advanced Counting 5: Early Additive Part-Whole 6: Advanced Additive Part-Whole 7: Advanced Multiplicative 8: Advanced Proportional

11 12345 After 1 year After 2 years After 3 years End of Y4 End of Y5 End of Y6 End of Y7 End of Y8 2 3 45678 Curriculum levels Mathematics Standards Numeracy Strategy Stages

12 Perception Check What is Part-Whole thinking? What is strategy? What is knowledge?

13 Viewing the DVD… Make connections between front and back of book. Whilst determining strategy stage identify what the required knowledge was. Using the sheets provided record the words and actions of the student being interviewed. In your thinking groups discuss the observable behaviours that indicate that the child is at that particular stage. Use your Framework book pages 15 - 17.

14 12345 After 1 year After 2 years After 3 years End of Y4 End of Y5 End of Y6 End of Y7 End of Y8 2 3 45678 Curriculum levels Mathematics Standards Numeracy Strategy Stages HAMISH

15 Methods of Assessment: NUMPA: Is a diagnostic tool designed to give you information about the mental strategies and knowledge of the students you work with. NUMPA is predominately a training tool for teachers to familiarise themselves with the framework. GloSS: The Global Strategy Stage (GloSS) can be used to determine which global strategy a student uses. IKAN: The Individual Knowledge Assessment of Number (IKAN) can be used to determine a student's stages on the knowledge domains. Student Profiles:

16 GloSS Assessment Tool GloSS - Global assessment Strategy Stage. Forms E, F, G, H, J. Tips- Ensure that you record exactly what the child says and does (take note of the non-verbal cues) Use open-ended questions to elicit further information.

17 Administering IKAN Individual Knowledge Assessment of Number Stage 0-3 For children that are at Stage 0-3 for Strategy (counting students) carry out the Oral interview. This will assess the children’s knowledge in Numeral ID, Sequencing and Ordering. This needs to be administered 1:1.

18 Administering IKAN Stage 4-8 For children at Strategy Stage 4 and above administer the IKAN banks. This will assess children’s knowledge in number sequence and order, fractions, basic facts and place value This can be administered whole class, either using an OHP or PowerPoint. When the student reaches the point when they cannot answer most questions, they carry on with an independent activity.

19 IKAN PowerPoint One: Lets have a go at Bank 1 and 4 together. –How did you find the speed? –What Stage do you think this bank was testing? In partners have a look at Bank 5 –separate the questions based on what Knowledge Domain you think the questions are in.

20 What Now? Either use NUMPA or GLoSS to assess at least 3 students strategy thinking. Bring this data as well as any other Numeracy Assessment information (Strategy and knowledge) to the next workshop on Tuesday 24 August. Familiarise yourself with Book 1.

21 Evaluation What have you learned today? What activity helped your learning? What do you need to clarify?

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