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©2010 AIR WORLDWIDE 1 Using ArcGIS Server Web Map Services in Web Map Mash-Ups Benjamin Spaulding, Ph.D. AIR Worldwide Esri Boston Dev Meet-Up 12/8/2010.

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Presentation on theme: "©2010 AIR WORLDWIDE 1 Using ArcGIS Server Web Map Services in Web Map Mash-Ups Benjamin Spaulding, Ph.D. AIR Worldwide Esri Boston Dev Meet-Up 12/8/2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 ©2010 AIR WORLDWIDE 1 Using ArcGIS Server Web Map Services in Web Map Mash-Ups Benjamin Spaulding, Ph.D. AIR Worldwide Esri Boston Dev Meet-Up 12/8/2010

2 ©2010 AIR WORLDWIDE 2 What is a WMS? “The OpenGIS® Web Map Service Interface Standard (WMS) provides a simple HTTP interface for requesting geo-registered map images from one or more distributed geospatial databases.” A WMS request defines the geographic layer(s) and area of interest to be processed. – From Simple definition - Provides a link to a geospatial image

3 ©2010 AIR WORLDWIDE 3 Integrating ArcGIS Server WMS Creating Data – Simply generate a map in ArcMap with data stored in ArcServer – Publish the map to ArcServer and make sure to select WMS under the Capabilities tab Accessing from a Web Platform – Will need access to a WMS URL – Need an API to integrate with online mapping tools – Tons of online examples, easy to program

4 ©2010 AIR WORLDWIDE 4 Understanding the WMS URL How to decode a WMS URL – Request – GetMap – Layer – What is the layer’s name? In ArcGIS Server the layer name is a number from 0 to n. Check metadata for details – Style – Is there a defined style for the layer? – Format – Do you want to display a JPEG or a PNG? – Bounding Box – How do you pass those values to the URL? – Projection – ESPG:4326 or others – Width and Height of tile – 256 x 256 or other size? – Version – 1.1.1 or 1.3? Complete WMS URL Request: http://rsarcserver1/ArcGIS/services/topos_wms/MapServer/WMSServer?request=GetMap&trans parent=true&format=image%2Fjpeg&bgcolor=ffffff&version=1.1.1&layers=0&styles=default&exce ptions=application%2Fvnd.ogc.se_xml&bbox=-71.148%2C42.2595%2C- 71.003%2C42.4045&srs=EPSG%3A4326&width=700&height=700

5 ©2010 AIR WORLDWIDE 5 ArcGIS Server in Google Maps V3 WMS layer added as a ImageMapType When creating the function that reads the WMS URL the developer can define a number of properties Bounding box values passed using Google’s code Developer can take advantage of Google’s built in tools, like using the address search, or adding KML overlays

6 ©2010 AIR WORLDWIDE 6 ArcGIS Server WMS in Esri JavaScript WMS layer added as an URL When creating the function that reads the WMS URL the developer can define a number of properties Developers can take advantage of built in tools, including WMS legends and other Esri tools

7 ©2010 AIR WORLDWIDE 7 Catches… Need to understand your version – Differences between 1.1.1 and 1.3 – Bounding box values, axis order based on CRS – SRS (projection) vs. CRS (coordinate system) Projections – What is the goal of the map? – ESPG:4326, most compatible, other projections are available, but more code is required Image Format – Remember, there are differences between PNG and JPEG rendering When using Google Maps you will need to sign up for an API

8 ©2010 AIR WORLDWIDE 8 Quick Example

9 ©2010 AIR WORLDWIDE 9 Summary WMS is a great tool for displaying a variety of datasets in a number of web applications Can create your own base maps and take advantage of other tools available in the appropriate JavaScript library Can rapidly create WMS layers in ArcMap and ArcGIS Server so others (developers) can easily consume data in web applications

10 ©2010 AIR WORLDWIDE 10 For More Information Main example Another great example mple2.html mple2.html Integrating Esri platform into Google Maps WMS in Esri JavaScript v2.1 s_start.htm s_start.htm

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