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Creating a Standards-Based Classrooms An Overview of Adapting and Adopting Research Based Instruction to Enhance Student Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a Standards-Based Classrooms An Overview of Adapting and Adopting Research Based Instruction to Enhance Student Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a Standards-Based Classrooms An Overview of Adapting and Adopting Research Based Instruction to Enhance Student Learning

2 Reflection CP 1.1 & 1.3 Think about a time you had to teach a complex lesson this year. How did you ensure that all students understood and grasped the concept you were teaching? What are the ways that you have added relevance to the curriculum and helped students make real-world connections?

3 Curriculum and Planning – CP 2.2 pg. 16 The teacher uses an organizing framework for instructional planning to support standards-based instruction. HFWCSW organizingframework supportinstructional planning standards-based instruction

4 TIER 1 STANDARDS-BASED CLASSROOM LEARNING: All students participate in general education learning that includes: Implementation of the Georgia Performance Standards through research-based practices Use of flexible groups for differentiation of instruction Frequent progress monitoring TIER 2 NEEDS BASED LEARNING: Targeted students participate in learning that is in addition to Tier 1 and different by including: Formalized processes of intervention Greater frequency of progress monitoring TIER 3 SST DRIVEN LEARNING Targeted students participate in learning that is in addition to Tier 1 and Tier 2 and different by including: Individualized assessments Interventions tailored to individual needs Referral for specially designed instruction if needed TIER 4 SPECIALLY DESIGNED LEARNING Targeted students participate in learning that includes: Specialized programs Adapted content, methodology, or instructional delivery GPS access/extension Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools April 12, 2006 All Rights Reserved Decreasing numbers of students Increasing Intensity of Intervention GEORGIA STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT PYRAMID OF INTERVENTIONS

5 All Students TIER 1 All students participate in general education learning that includes: Implementation of the Georgia Performance Standards through research-based practices Use of flexible groups for differentiation of instruction Frequent progress monitoring STANDARDS-BASED CLASSROOM TEACHING AND LEARNING

6  Practices and Procedures-  Practices and Procedures- Clear and concise procedures for daily routines such as entering the classroom, gathering materials, & moving from task to task. Structures-  Structures- Structures are in place that serve as the foundation for standards-based classrooms…classroom design, instructional delivery models, scheduling, unit development, etc. Instruction-  Instruction- Instructional strategies are in place to support standards- based learning, differentiation, student engagement, etc.  Assessment-  Assessment- Assessment opportunities are provided to hold student work to the standards and provide feedback that move students toward standards. Balanced Assessment includes: Common, Formative, Summative and Diagnostic Assessments that are formal and/or informal.

7 Instructional/Curriculum Framework Collaborative unit/lesson planning starts with a determination of what students should know, understand and be able to do…Learning Targets (EQs). collaborative and continuous The unit planning process is collaborative and continuous (pre-test, planning for differentiation, instruction, assessment, and re-teaching). Lesson Framework is of the highest quality and occurs in a seamless manner in order to maximize instructional time. (opening, work session and closing) Content specific vocabulary is previewed, extracted from the standard, integrated into the context of the lesson, and becomes part of the classroom dialogue. Rigor is pervasive – higher order questioning, thinking skills, assignments, & activities. Assignments are authentic and connect to real life. Students are interested and engaged in the learning process…ownership is made.

8 Instructional Frameworks Specific to content area Outline that drives the daily lesson planning Includes components to be included in each part of the lesson (opening, work session, closing) Gives approximate class time to be used for each part of the lesson

9 ELA resources Math resources Express more to come… Georgia Performance Standards Curriculum Map Unit Outline Performance Tasks Suggested Syllabi Curriculum Frameworks

10 Instructional Cycle Academic Content Standards Academic Content Standards

11 Basic Lesson Structure of a Standards-Based Classroom Warm-Up/Review/Sponge (optional) Opening/Mini Lesson/Setting the Stage TEACHER LED, sets the purpose by using the Standards/Elements & Learning Targets Work Session/Activity Period STUDENT LED Closing/Summary Connection to the Learning Target – student, “I can…” 20% 60% 20%

12 The Classroom  Standards are posted/accessible and used in meaningful ways  Word Walls or Vocabulary Lists/Charts  Sometimes noisy as students talk and work together…collaboratively  Desks may be in groups for group work  Might be messy as students work on complex, long range tasks with multiple activities  Students’ work is displayed  Evidence of student collaboration in  posted work, rules, rubrics, and presentations  Lots of student led activities

13  Use the Language of the Standards  Able to explain what they are doing and why they are doing it  They are able to make connections to the standards through class discussions and through work  Collaborative more than competitive  Have learning goals and are focusing on doing quality work and trying to improve  Frequently self-assess work with a comprehension of the standards The Students

14  Plans collaboratively  Informally/Formally assesses students to better understand where the students are in the comprehension of the standards  Reteaches when necessary  Meets individual students’ needs  Asks open-ended questions and helps students problem solve  Facilitates student learning: SOME direct instruction/lecturing MOSTLY coordinating student led - group activities  Discusses with students the alignment of the standards to assignments, assessments, and performance tasks  Keeps an up-to-date professional portfolio with collected artifacts and reflections on the year’s activities The Teacher

15 Student Work Student Work  Displayed as a teaching tool with a connection made to standards/elements  Includes meaningful, improvement-focused feedback/commentary given by the teacher/peers  Often evaluated with rubrics developed by teachers and/or students  May integrate other content areas

16 Standards Based Instruction SBI 2.2 (pg. 46-47) The teacher effectively communicates learning expectations using both language of the standards and strategies that reflect a standards-based classroom. HFWCSW teacherlearning expectations effectivelyLOTS communicatesstrategies reflectstandards-based classroom

17 Homework High-Impact Rubric High-Impact Rubric – Read through the levels for each concept and indicate your current level for each by circling the appropriate description. Read CP 1.2 & 2.1, SB 1.1 Read CP 1.2 & 2.1, SB 1.1 Awareness Walks-SBC Awareness Walks-SBC November 1-5

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