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Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

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Presentation on theme: "Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

2 Homeostasis Vessel wall. Platelets. Circulating coagulation protein.

3 Thrombosis. Virchows triad. 1- blood flow.
2- surface in contact with blood. 3- clotting components.

4 Blood flow. Atrial fibrillation. Left ventricular dysfunction.
Immobility. Vessel obstruction. Hyperviscosity. Sickle cell anemia.

5 Abnormalities of surfaces in contact with blood
Vessel injury – trauma. Atherosclerosis. Heart valve disease – or replacement. Indwelling catheter.

6 Abnormalities of circulating coagulation proteins.
Protein C and protein S deficiency. Activated protein C resistance. Antithrombin 111 deficiency. Antiphospholipid antibodies. Hyperhomocysteinemia. Malignancy. High dose estrogen therapy / pregnancy increased fibrinogen level?.

7 Risk factors for thrombosis.
Age > 40 years. Immobility. Previous DVT / PE or thromboembolic event. Surgery. Major trauma. Pregnancy / postpartum / high dose estrogen therapy. Occult and diagnosed malignancy. Inherited or acquired alteration in circulating proteins. Polycythemia. Sever heart failure. Diabetes. ?

8 Signs and symptoms. Symptoms often absent. Symptoms non specific.
Symptoms due to inflammation and obstruction of venous flow. Deep vein thrombosis : unilateral calf swelling, calf pain and tenderness, calf erythema, dilatation of superficial vein, palpable cord, Pulmonary embolism: dyspnea , chest pain, tachycardia, hypotension, cyanosis, hemoptysis.

9 Diagnostic testing – DVT.
Venography. Ultrasononagraphy – Doppler. Impedance plethysmography. Fibrinogen leg scanning.

10 Diagnostic testing – PE.
Pulmonary angiography. Ventilation perfusion scan. Spiral CT scan. D – dimer.

11 Hypercoagulable work – up.
Protein C deficiency. Protein S deficiency. Anti – Thrombin 111 deficiency. Activated protein C Resistance. ( factor V Lieden ). Antiphospholipid Antibodies / anticardiolipin / lupus anticoagulant.

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